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GEO4281/GEO6282 River Forms & Processes

GEO4281/GEO6282: RIVER FORMS & PROCESSES Course description: Examines varied aspects of rivers (basins, hydrology, sediments, channel form and changes, river hazards, and impacts through data analysis and case studies) Successful students will: Interpret and synthesize scientific data about rivers, floodplains and watersheds Semester: Spring 2021 Time: T Per. 4-5, Th Per. 4 (live in TUR […]

GEO2500 Global and Regional Economies

GEO2500 Global and Regional Economies Meets Social Science General Education & Writing Requirements (6000 words) Spring 2021: Asynchronous 100% Online Instructor: Aghane Antunes ( Engage with contemporary perspectives and research topics in economic geography, focusing on issues associated with regional and global economic and demographic change. Discuss regional variations and disparities in growth, development and […]

GEO3334/GEO6938 Managing for a Changing Climate

GEO3334 GEO6938 Managing for a Changing Climate Graduate Course under “special topics”. Both UG/G offered as live and synchronous online. Please check selection. Do you know the truth about climate change? This course provides an integrative understanding of the components of the climate system. We will consider in depth the impacts of a changing climate […]

GEO3427 Plants, Health, and Spirituality

GEO3427 Plants, Health, and Spirituality Course Description Learn about the origin of sacred plants used to achieve a higher state of being and enrich the body and soul. Course Objectives Understand cultural significance of sacred plants Recognize importance of emerging organic food markets and concerns with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Develop opinions on complex social […]

GEO3452/GEO6451 Introduction to Medical Geography

GEO3452/6451 Introduction to Medical Geography (Gen-Ed B) Course description: Medical geography deals with human-environment interactions and the influence of these interactions on public health. This course provides a broad-based, comprehensive survey of geographic topics and approaches in medical sciences. Hands-on experiences will be emphasized through GIS labs. Successful students will be able to: Apply geographic […]

GEO4300/GEO5305 Environmental Biogeography

GEO4300 GEO5305 Environmental Biogeography Course description: Biogeography is the science of the spatial patterns of biodiversity and is core science in the understanding of human-environment interactions. Biogeographers study distributions of organisms, both past and present, and how related patterns of environmental variation influence the organisms. Recent new sciences of Landscape Ecology, Macroecology, and Global Ecology […]

GEO3452 Introduction to Medical Geography

GEO3452 Introduction to Medical Geography (Gen-Ed B) Course description: Medical geography deals with human-environment interactions and the influence of these interactions on public health. This course provides a broad-based, comprehensive survey of geographic topics and approaches in medical sciences. Hands-on experiences will be emphasized through GIS labs. Successful students will be able to: Apply geographic […]

IDS2935 The Next Pandemic

IDS2935 (sections 2BH1 & 2BHO) The Next Pandemic This course is a basic introduction to the most devastating disease outbreaks in human and animal history. We will explore the long-lasting social implications of disease and evaluate control methods. We will use the geographical spread of these historic pandemics to predict where the next pandemic will […]

GEO3454 Peoples and Plagues

GEO3454 Peoples and Plagues What makes a new disease emerge? What makes diseases re-emerge? How has this affected world history through the ages? Can we learn from past scourge and pestilence? This course is an introduction to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in the context of historic disease outbreaks, focusing on zoonotic origin and management. […]

GEA3500 Geography of Europe

Geography of Europe GEA3500 (S – Social & Behavioral, N – International) ONLINE 25633, Synchronous 14425, or live 26071 Tuesday 11:45 – 12:35, Thursday 11:45 – 1:40 Snooty, lazy, conquering and privileged populations impacted by corruption, immigration and environmental degradation .. or NOT Considers diverse and resilient landscapes and people of Europe Examines spatial geography […]