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GEO2500 Global and Regional Economies

GEO2500 Global and Regional Economies
Meets Social Science General Education & Writing Requirements (6000 words)

Spring 2021: Asynchronous 100% Online

Instructor: Aghane Antunes (

Engage with contemporary perspectives and research topics in economic geography, focusing on issues associated with regional and global economic and demographic change.
Discuss regional variations and disparities in growth, development and policy implications.

We live in a GLOBAL WORLD: What happens anywhere affects us everywhere!

GEO 2500 will engage you to ask and answer real world questions that you need to know:

  • What causes globalization? Can it be reversed?
  • What are the major global corporations? What do they produce?
  • Why do only five countries create most of the world’s production?
  • Can our agricultural systems feed the world’s 9 billion people in 2050?
  • Where will I be working in the next Century?