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GEO4938 GEO6938 Weather, Climate, and Society

GEO4938 GEO6938 Weather, Climate, and Society Weather and climate-related disasters do not impact all sectors of society equally in the United States. Geographic differences in exposure to weather & climate hazards fail to fully explain why disparities exist among places and groups of people affected by disasters. Social vulnerability is a critical concept that helps […]

GEO3602 Urban/Business Geography

GEO3602 Urban/Business Geography Department of Geography Spring 2021 Contact: Dr. Yujie Hu,, Course Description: An empirical and theoretical spatial analysis of the various economic, population, and social facets within and between urban settlements. Major topics include: defining urban, urbanization, systems of cities, urban development models, population density, ethnicity in cities, economic structure in […]

GEO6938 GEO4938 Terrorism and Space

GEO6938 GEO4938 Terrorism and Space The aim of this course is to study international terrorism and its spatial implications. The course examines how a spatial approach can contribute to better understand the onset and diffusion of terrorist organizations across the world. Terrorism and Space puts a strong emphasis on spatial analysis and geographically-referenced data to […]

GEO3502 Economic Geography

GEO3502 Economic Geography The world is becoming increasingly connected. Yet, the benefits of globalization have not been shared equally across the regions. What makes regions competitive? Why are some cities more innovative than others? How do borders affect human flows and ideas? The aim of this course is to study the causes and consequences of […]