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Climate change could shift disease burden from malaria to arboviruses in Africa

RYAN – Climate change could shift disease burden from malaria to arboviruses in Africa Erin A Mordecai, Sadie J Ryan, Jamie M Caldwell, Melisa M Shah, A Desiree LaBeaud Article first published online: 09 SEPT 2020 The Lancet Planetary Health DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(20)30178-9 SUMMARY Malaria is a long-standing public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas arthropod-borne […]

GeogGators featured in Center for African Studies’ Annual Research Report

Several UF Geographers had their research highlighted in the Center for African Studies‘ recently published Annual Research Report for 2019-2020, including Dr. Olivier Walther, Ryan Good, Leandra Merz, and Matthew Pflaum. The report also highlighted several working groups, including the Natural Resources in Africa group, which includes several geographers as members.

La violence comme mode de régulation politique : la Caso et les mobilisations étudiantes dans le Niger des années 1990

SMIRNOVA – La violence comme mode de régulation politique : la Caso et les mobilisations étudiantes dans le Niger des années 1990 Tatiana Smirnova, Camille Noûs Article first published online: 26 JUN 2020 Politique Africaine DOI: 10.3917/polaf.157.0223 ABSTRACT: « La Caso, c’est une structure assez répressive.Quand le gars s’entête, la Caso le bastonnait à la […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

WALTHER – Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa Valerie C. Valerio, Olivier J. Walther, Marjatta Eilittä, Brahima Cissé, Rachata Muneepeerakul, Gregory A. Kiker Article first published online: 14 MAY 2020 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232681 ABSTRACT: In West Africa, long and complex livestock value chains connect producers mostly in the Sahel with consumption […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

GAINESVILLE, FL – In a new paper published in PLoS ONE today, Dr. Olivier Walther and colleagues produced the first comprehensive mapping of the West African livestock trade network. Their network analysis of more than 42,000 movements from 2013-17 shows that live animals flow through well-defined, long distance trade corridors and that border markets are important […]

New study shows how malaria risk will shift in Africa under climate change

GAINESVILLE, FL – In a new paper in Malaria Journal “Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention”, part of a cross-journal collection on the Contribution of Climate Change to Spread of Infectious Disease, QDEC’s Sadie J. Ryan, along with Cat A. Lippi and collaborator Fernanda Zermoglio […]

Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention

LIPPI, RYAN – Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention Sadie J. Ryan, Catherine A. Lippi, & Fernanda Zermoglio Article first published online: 01 MAY 2020 Malaria Journal DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03224-6 ABSTRACT: Background Malaria continues to be a disease of massive burden in Africa, and the public […]

An Evaluation of Vegetation Health in and around Southern African National Parks during the 21st Century (2000–2016)

BUNTING, CHILD, HERRERO, KHATAMI, MUIR, SOUTHWORTH – An Evaluation of Vegetation Health in and around Southern African National Parks during the 21st Century (2000–2016) Hannah Herrero, Jane Southworth, Carly Muir, Reza Khatami, Erin Bunting, and Brian Child Article first published online: 30 MAR 2020 Applied Sciences DOI: 10.3390/app10072366 ABSTRACT: Roughly 65% of the African continent […]

A Metacoupling Framework for Exploring Transboundary Watershed Management

MERZ, YANG – A Metacoupling Framework for Exploring Transboundary Watershed Management Leandra Merz, Di Yang, and Vanessa Hull Article first published online: 2 MAR 2020 Sustainability DOI: 10.3390/su12051879 ABSTRACT: Water is crucial for ecosystem health and socioeconomic development, but water scarcity is becoming a global concern. Management of transboundary watersheds is inherently challenging and has the […]

The Geography of Conflict in North and West Africa

WALTHER – The Geography of Conflict in North and West Africa Olivier Walther Article first published online: 14 FEB 2020 OECD Report DOI: 10.1787/02181039-en ABSTRACT: African governments are increasingly confronted with new forms of political violence. The situation is particularly worrying in the Sahara-Sahel where violence is on the rise. This degrading security situation has […]