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Chair’s Corner

Women in UF shirts standing in a row

Dear Colleagues and Friends of UF Geography, Greetings! As I sit down to compose this update, my heart swells with pride over the remarkable strides our department has made. It’s a joy to share with you the exciting developments that continue to shape the vibrant tapestry of UF Geography. Personal Adventures in Research Before diving […]

UF Geography Students Shine at 2023 SEDAAG Meeting in Norfolk, VA

The University of Florida’s Geography Department marked a significant milestone at the 2023 Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers (SEDAAG) meeting held in Norfolk, VA. This year’s conference, hosted at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel from November 18-20, witnessed an unprecedented participation from UF, with 18 students attending, thanks to the generous contributions […]

Chair’s Corner

Portrait of Jane Southworth

Well we have so much to update that it makes this brief newsletter quite the challenge to write. In the last few years UF Geography has exploded – and despite the recent retirements of Dr. Greg Glass and Dr. Peter Waylen (featured event later in this newsletter) we now total 24 full-time faculty in the […]

Annual Evening of Excellence & Retirement Celebration for Dr. Peter Waylen & Dr. Greg Glass

A group of people holding certificates from the Department of Geography at an event called "Evening of Excellence 2022." They are smiling and posing for the photo.

March 18th, 2022 We had an exciting Evening of Excellence – combining our annual awards event with the retirement celebrations of Pete and Greg. Dr. Peter Waylen was retiring after 28 in Geography, including serving as Department Chair for 7 years and a 5 year stint in the Deans Office as an Associate Dean for […]

Award Winners for 2021-2022

Group of people holding awards

Undergraduate Honors Excellence Awards Lylybell Zhou, Lindsey Stalter, & Lilianna Thomas   Anderson Faculty Award for International Travel Dr. Cynthia Simmons   David Niddrie Graduate Student Excellence Award Neha Kohli, Tierney Shimansky, & Gabrielle Quadrado   Evan Coe Excellence Award in Medical Geography Dr. Sadie Ryan & Dr. Gabriela Hamerlinck   Evan Coe Travel Award […]