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From Campus to Career: UF Geography Graduates Shine

Current Position: Meteorologist at First Coast News in Jacksonville

Attended UF: 2014 – 2018

Degrees and Certificates:
BS in Geography
Certificate in Meteorology & Climatology

Greatest Memory as a GeoGator: “I look back fondly on how accessible all the faculty members were. Knowing I could pop my head in any office or classroom at almost any time made our area of Turlington feel welcoming and like home.”

Applying Your GeoGator Education: “I use the knowledge from my geography courses every single workday. Whether it be basic meteorology, Atmospheric Teleconnections, processes learned from Hurricanes, the patterns from Climatology, stats from Extreme Floods, etc., I use all of them to help describe to my viewers what is happening with the weather and climate.”

Advice for Students: “UF Geography is a gateway into many different careers and opportunities. There wasn’t a meteorology major at UF when I was a student, but the geography department opened all the doors and provided me with all the classes I needed and more. UF Geography has the resources to help you reach your goals and exceed them.”