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GEO2420 Introduction to Human Geography

GEO 2420 Introduction to Human Geography In person: HG24(22573), Online: HGDL(26084) Relations between human and non-human worlds have changed over time to produce effects everywhere, like the ongoing pandemic. Human Geography provides an analytical lens to critically examine how and why such changes and effects occur across continents, seas and islands. The course focuses on […]

Alumni Adventures: Dr. Yang Yang

Dr. Yang Yang, Associate Professor at Temple University he/him/his When did you attend UF? What degrees/certificates did you earn the the Department of Geography? I came to the PhD program in 2009 and finished in 2013 What is your greatest memory from your time as a GeoGator? Every time I traveled to AAG and SEDAAG […]

LAS6938 Indigenous Rights, Development, and Environmental Justice in Latin America

Indigenous Rights, Development and Environmental Justice in Latin America LAS 6938 This graduate seminar investigates how environmental change, development, and extractivism intersect with Indigenous struggles for justice. The course begins with a focus on environmental justice, research ethics, and decolonial politics to provide a theoretical and methodological framework for our engagement during the semester. We […]

GEO3930/GEO6938/GLY4930 Communicating Science

GEO3930 GEO6938 GLY4930 Communicating Science Scientists are trained to speak like scientists to scientists. But that distances us from the public! Solving the world’s problems requires everyone. How do we empower politicians, journalists, engineers, and others to take evidence-based actions? Through diverse readings and discussions we will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of research […]

Alumni Adventures: Kyle Gorman

Kyle Gorman – Senior Program Manager at the New York City Department of Transportation’s Public Space Unit He/him When did you attend UF? What degrees/certificates did you earn the the Department of Geography? 2012 to 2015 – BA in Geography, minor in Chinese Language and Culture What is your greatest memory from your time as a […]

Disease Hunters: Mosquito Mayhem

Florida and Texas have ideal conditions for tropical diseases, Medical Geographer Dr. Sadie Ryan (Florida Climate Institute, Emerging Pathogens Institute) recently told Channel News Asia’s Disease Hunters: Mosquito Mayhem. Learn more about the global effort to detect – and prevent – the spread of infectious diseases at Disease Hunters: Mosquito Mayhem.