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Machine Learning versus Deep Learning in Land System Science: A Decision-Making Framework for Effective Land Classification

SOUTHWORTH, SMITH, SAFAEI, RAHAMAN, ALRUZUQ, TEFERA – Machine Learning versus Deep Learning in Land System Science: A Decision-Making Framework for Effective Land Classification Jane Southworth, Audrey C. Smith, Mohammad Safaei, Mashoukur Rahaman, Ali Alruzuq, Bewuket B. Tefera, Carly S. Muir, Hannah V. Herrero Article first published online: 8 APRIL 2024 DOI: ABSTRACT: This review […]

Assessing the effect of article processing charges on the geographic diversity of authors using Elsevier’s “Mirror Journal” system

SMITH, MERZ, KSHIRSAGAR – Assessing the effect of article processing charges on the geographic diversity of authors using Elsevier’s “Mirror Journal” system Audrey C. Smith, Leandra Merz, Jesse B. Borden, Chris K. Gulick, Akhil R. Kshirsagar, Emilio M. Bruna Article first published online: 4 Feb 2022 in Quantitative Science Studies DOI: ABSTRACT: Journals publishing open […]

Audrey Smith’s Interdisciplinary Work Published in the Journal Water

PhD student Audrey C. Smith (adviser Dr. Jane Southworth) co-authored a paper with UF Geography almuna Dr. Erin L. Bunting as product of a SESYNC ‘pursuit’ interdisciplinary team of students and faculty from multiple institutions. The paper titled “Interpersonal Conflict over Water is Associated with Household Demographics, Domains of Water Insecurity, and Regional Conflict: Evidence […]

Interpersonal Conflict over Water Is Associated with Household Demographics, Domains of Water Insecurity, and Regional Conflict: Evidence from Nine Sites across Eight Sub-Saharan African Countries

BUNTING, SMITH – Interpersonal Conflict over Water Is Associated with Household Demographics, Domains of Water Insecurity, and Regional Conflict: Evidence from Nine Sites across Eight Sub-Saharan African Countries Amber L. Pearson, Elizabeth A. Mack, Amanda Ross, Richard Marcantonio, Andrew Zimmer, Erin L. Bunting, Audrey C. Smith, Joshua D. Miller, Tom Evans, andThe HWISE Research Coordination […]

UFGeog at AAG 2021

The UF Geography Department is sending a large (virtual) contingent to Seattle for the 2021 meeting of the American Association of Geographers Find out where you can see a GeoGator present their research below: Panelist Joel Correia Panel title: Querying nature, colonialism and decolonialism Date & Time: April 7, 8:00am-9:15am Talk Presentation Session title: Roads, […]

Strong GeoGator showing at FSG

There will be a strong GeoGator presence at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers this Saturday the 20th of February. Whether you want to learn about risk perceptions, coastal flooding, land use change, rural violence, riparian erosion and siltation, extreme rainfall,  disease transmission, or park conservation, we’ve got you covered! Physical Geography (Moderator […]

GEA3600 Geography of Africa

GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA GEA3600 SPRING 2021 100% ONLINE Learn about Africa’s regional geography, landforms, climate zones, & people Natural resources, wildlife, & conservation How Africa formed & human origins in Africa External influences & impacts of historic events on African development Issues of health, demography, gender, & culture FULFILLS 3 CR HRS Gen Ed: S= […]

GEO3430 Population Geography

This course provides a comprehensive geographical survey of populations & population analysis, including population description, distribution, change & characteristics; demographic processes including migration, refugees & urbanization; and the consequences of development, conflict & population control diseases topics and many others. Course Objectives: Gain familiarity with global population dynamics, differences, and trends Critically evaluate outcomes of […]

Carly Muir and Audrey Smith at SESYNC

GeoGator Doctoral students Carly Muir and Audrey Smith recently participated in a 3 day research meeting at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) in Annapolis, MD. This is a collaborative project to examine linkages between water scarcity induced conflict and land use/land cover change in Africa. The project was proposed by faculty at Michigan State University, […]