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Focus Area 6: Sustainability & Global Environmental Change

Major contemporary issues in global environmental change and sustainability are increasingly relevant for environmental management and development practice in both the developed and developing worlds. Global socio-ecological problems call for multidisciplinary solutions that transcend the usual boundaries of science and decision-making. Sub-areas Land Use and Land Cover Change Adaptation and Mitigation Climate Change Anthropocene Environmental Hazards […]

Focus Area 5: Catastrophes, Conservation, and Conflict

Disastrous natural hazards, both fast and slow, and violent conflicts affect many people worldwide, often impacting already fragile environments and conservation areas. These crises have significant political, economic, and social implications that can reverse development gains, further entrench poverty and inequality, thereby increasing the risk for future crises. Sub-areas Humanitarian Crises Social Vulnerability Natural Resources Outbreaks Environmental Security Community Conservation Protected Areas Wildlife […]

Focus Area 1: Earth System Science

This is the science of the atmosphere, land, biota, and water from a geospatial perspective. By combining contemporary issues such as climate change, environmental extremes, and hazards, this focus area emphasizes the integrative nature of physical and environmental geography.  Earth systems scientists use biophysical understanding to identify and solve problems for management and policy. Sub-areas […]

Celebrating Women Geographers for Women’s History Month

Geography is a diverse field. Throughout the month of March, we will be highlighting the work of Women Geographers, some of whom are #GeoGators. Tierney Shimansky Tierney is a Master’s student who studies land management and conservation in southern Africa. Dr. Yin-Hsuen Chen Yin-Hsuen is a fluvial geomorphologist and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of […]

Strong GeoGator showing at FSG

There will be a strong GeoGator presence at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers this Saturday the 20th of February. Whether you want to learn about risk perceptions, coastal flooding, land use change, rural violence, riparian erosion and siltation, extreme rainfall,  disease transmission, or park conservation, we’ve got you covered! Physical Geography (Moderator […]

IDS2935 Living with Rising Seas

IDS2935 Living with Rising Seas How much will sea level rise? What will be impacted by sea level rise? How will humanity adapt to sea level rise? This course examines the complex relationship between humans and coastlines. We will connect the science of sea level rise and coastal change to built, natural, and societal impacts. […]

When floods hit the road: Resilience to flood-related traffic disruption in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond

SERAFIN – When floods hit the road: Resilience to flood-related traffic disruption in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond Indraneel G. Kasmalkar, Katherine A. Serafin, Yufei Miao, Avery Bick, Leonard Ortolano, Derek Ouyang, and Jenny Suckale Article first published online: 5 AUG 2020 Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba2423 ABSTRACT: As sea level rises, urban traffic […]

GEO4285 GEO6938: Models in Geographic Hydrology (Water, Risk, and Extreme Events)

Investigate techniques for evaluating the risks of extreme events related to water in our environment. Students will learn about data and methodologies for estimating the rarity of phenomena including excessive rainfall totals, high and low river levels, coastal storm surge and waves, and drought. Example Topics: Probability and Random Processes Recurrence Intervals Extreme Value Analysis […]