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Identifying local conflict trends in North and West Africa

WALTHER – Identifying local conflict trends in North and West Africa Radil, Steven and Walther, Olivier Article first published online: 9 March 2024 DOI: ABSTRACT: Several states in West Africa have experienced significant episodes of political violence since the early 2010s. These have included civil wars, religiously motivated terrorism, separatist insurgencies, military coups and […]

Urbanisation and Conflicts in North and West Africa

WALTHER, RUSSELL, PFLAUM – Urbanisation and Conflicts in North and West Africa Olivier J. Walther, Steven M. Radil, David G. Russell, Matthew Pflaum, Alexander Thurston First published online: 21 Mar 2023 OECD Report DOI: 10.1787/3fc68183-en ABSTRACT: North and West Africa are undergoing rapid urbanisation. While cities and urban areas have always been sites of conflict, […]

Pastoralist Violence in North and West Africa

PFLAUM – Pastoralist Violence in North and West Africa Article first published online: 13 JULY 2021 – OECD Publishing DOI: 10.1787/63dff519-en A new OECD working paper and a series of audio clips explores how pastoralists are both perpetrators and victims of violence in North and West Africa. This paper is available in both English and French. ABSTRACT: This study examines […]

Contextualizing the Relationship Between Borderlands and Political Violence: A Dynamic Space-Time Analysis in North and West Africa

WALTHER – Contextualizing the Relationship Between Borderlands and Political Violence: A Dynamic Space-Time Analysis in North and West Africa Steven M. Radila, Ian Irmischer. & Olivier J. Walther Article first published online: 25 AUG 2021 Journal of Borderlands Studies DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2021.1968926 ABSTRACT: This paper examines the role of borderlands in contemporary armed conflicts in North […]

Mapping the Geography of Political Violence in North and West Africa

WALTHER – Mapping the Geography of Political Violence in North and West Africa Olivier J. Walther, Steven M. Radil, and David Russell Article first published online: 17 OCT 2019 Development Matters ABSTRACT: A worrying turn The security situation in North and West Africa has taken a worrying turn. Within the span of a few years, […]