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Dr. Nirav Patel named Schmidt Futures 2023 International Strategy Forum (ISF) Fellow

Dr. Nirav Patel has been selected as a Schmidt Futures 2023 International Strategy Forum (ISF) Fellow From his International Strategy Forum profile: Dr. Nirav Nikunj Patel is a Senior Program Manager supporting the Space and Artificial Intelligence Portfolios with the Defense Innovation Unit in Silicon Valley, California. Nirav leads the efforts in adopting commercially-sourced satellite […]

Geography Colloquium: Modeling and Analysis of Excess Commuting with Trip Chains

Speaker: Dr. Yujie Hu Assistant Professor Department of Geography University of Florida Thursday, April 20, 2023 3:00-3:50 PM (Period 8) Recorded for YouTube Turlington Hall 3018 and Zoom University of Florida Abstract: Commuting, like other types of human travel, is complex in nature, such as trip-chaining behavior involving making stops of multiple purposes between two anchors. […]

Fall Course: GEO4938 GEO6938 Machine Learning in Meteorology

GEO4938 GEO6938 Machine Learning in Meteorology Hands-on experiences with machine learning (ML) from a series of practical case-studies in meteorology. Regression, classification, clustering and retrieval, and deep learning to solve research questions by identifying potential applications of ML, selecting the appropriate ML models, representing data as features to serve as input to ML models, and […]

Fall Course: MET4532 MET6530 Hurricanes

MET4532 MET6530 Hurricanes Instructor: Dr. Corene Matyas Learn about Hurricane Andrew and 20 other famous tropical cyclones! Prerequisites: GEO3250 or MET3503 (email me if you are graduating and I’ll consider an over-ride) Turlington 3006 MW Per. 4-5, W Per. 4 Participate In: Forecasting Labs Maps Discussions Presentation on Famous Storm Data Analysis Project for […]

Fall Course: MET4410 Radar and Satellite Meteorology

MET4410 Radar and Satellite Meteorology Learn the principles and practices of satellite and radar remote sensing as used in the atmospheric sciences. Apply the principles of remote sensing meteorology to process, visualize and interpret radar and satellite data for various weather events. Part of the GeoAI Certificate You will learn to: * operate a weather […]

Fall Course: GIS4124 GIS6125C Geocomputation Using R Programming

GIS4124 GIS6125C Geocomputation Using R Programming What You Will Learn: * THE language for statistical computing * Work with varied data types * Data analysis skills * Intro to Machine Learning and AI * Create awesome data visualizations * Automate data pre-processing and analysis * Create your own research project PREREQUISITES: Any 3000 level or […]

Fall Course: GIS4113 GIS6104 Spatial Networks

GIS4113 GIS6104 Spatial Networks Dr. Yujie Hu, Course Description Many real-world systems can be represented as networks of many interacting components. This course teaches the fundamental concepts, models, and techniques for describing, visualizing, measuring, and analyzing networks. It also introduces their applications in geography, transportation, social science, etc. A series of labs using popular […]

Fall Course: GEO4700 GEO6706 Transportation Geography

GEO4700 GEO6706 Transportation Geography Course Description Introduces the history and evolution of transportation systems, and essential concepts, theories, and topics in transportation geography, such as spatial organization, economic foundations, urban form, major modes, globalization, and environmental impacts. Also covers network representation of transportation systems, network measures, and core methods and tools for visualizing and analyzing […]