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Alumni Event & Celebration

A gathering of alumni with a variety of activities including developing career connections with current students, social activities and tours, a celebration of the retirements of Dr. Peter Waylen and Dr. Greg Glass, awards and recognition of our outstanding students, and much more.

March 18-19th, 2022

Sign up through the Google Form today and email Dr. Joann Mossa to let her know attendance at events (

Friday’s Events

Drop by the main office, TUR 3141. Coffee and Tea available.

10:40am: Career Panel

Noon-2:00pm: Alumni Lunch, TUR 1215
Served in the Poehling Grad Lab

2-3:00pm: Tour of Geography & Research Labs

3-5:00pm: Sign up for Meetings with Pete & Greg
(contact to sign up)

6:00-9:00pm: Evening of Excellence & Retirement Celebration for Pete & Greg.
Keene Faculty Center, Pugh Hall.

Saturday’s Events

10:00am: Sweetwater Wetland Park Tour
Led by Dr. Heidi Lannon. Email to reserve a spot & get directions or pick-up instructions.

12:30-2:00pm: Alumni Lunch
Location TBD based on numbers.

4:00pm: Geography Happy Hour
Cypress & Grove Brewery, 1001 NW 4th St, Gainesville

For more information, contact Dr. Joann Mossa, our Alumni Committee Chair, at