SERAFIN – Characterizing storm-induced coastal change hazards along the United States West Coast
James B. Shope, Li H. Erikson, Patrick L. Barnard, Curt D. Storlazzi, Katherine Serafin, Kara Doran, Hilary Stockdon, Borja Reguero, Fernando Mendez, Sonia Castanedo, Alba Cid, Laura Cagigal, & Peter Ruggiero
Article first published online: 23 May 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01313-6
ABSTRACT: Traditional methods to assess the probability of storm-induced erosion and flooding from extreme water levels have limited use along the U.S. West Coast where swell dominates erosion and storm surge is limited. This effort presents methodology to assess the probability of erosion and flooding for the U.S. West Coast from extreme total water levels (TWLs), but the approach is applicable to coastal settings worldwide. TWLs were derived from 61 years of wave and water level data at shore-perpendicular transects every 100-m along open coast shorelines. At each location, wave data from the Global Ocean Waves model were downscaled to the nearshore and used to empirically calculate wave run-up. Tides were simulated using the Oregon State University’s tidal data inversion model and non-tidal residuals were calculated from sea-surface temperature and pressure anomalies. Wave run-up was combined with still water levels to generate hourly TWL estimates and extreme TWLs for multiple return periods. Extremes were compared to onshore morphology to determine erosion hazards and define the probability of collision, overwash, and inundation.
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