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Interpolation of Groundwater Depth Based on Data Assimilation

YANG – Interpolation of Groundwater Depth based on Data Assimilation MA Huan, YUE Depeng, YANG Di, YU Qiang, ZHANG Qibin, HUANG Yuan Article first published online: 27 APR 2017 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery (in English) DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.04.027 ABSTRACT: Groundwater monitoring is limited by practical conditions, and only limited monitoring results can be obtained when it […]

Summer Course: GEO2200 Physical Geography

Explore the ever-changing atmosphere controlling, temperatures, clouds, storms, and variable winds. Examine Earth’s wealth of intriguing features, from dramatic mountains to intricate coastlines and deep oceans, from lush valleys to deserts. Investigate the distribution of these environments, the processes that create and change them, and their implications for people and life, and vice-versa. Think globally, […]

Geography Colloquium: Forest Mosaics – Spatial Forest Management Patterns from Stands to Regional Scales in Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain and Piedmont

Forest Mosaics – Spatial Forest Management Patterns from Stands to Regional Scales in Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain and Piedmont Speaker: Ms. Di Yang PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of Florida Thursday, February 9, 2017 3:00-3:50 PM (Period 8) Turlington Hall Room 3012 University of Florida All are welcome to attend.

Dr. Anni Yang Country of Origin: China Degree Program: PhD Entered Program: Fall 2016 Expected Graduation: Spring 2020 Dissertation Topic: TBD Areas of interest: infectious disease, epidemiology, ecological niche modeling, geospatial analysis Adviser: Dr. Jason Blackburn Educational Background B.E. in Surveying and Mapping, Hohai University M.S. in Geography, Michigan State University

Jue (Joy) Yang Country of Origin: China Degree Program: M.S. Entered Program: Fall 2016 Expected Graduation: Spring 2018 Dissertation Topic: TBD Areas of interest: Medical Geography, GIS Adviser: Dr. Liang Mao Educational Background B.S. in GIS, Hunan Normal University

Market accessibility and hotel prices in the Caribbean: The moderating effect of quality-signaling factors

MUELLER, YANG – Market accessibility and hotel prices in the Caribbean: The moderating effect of quality-signaling factors Yang Yang, Noah J. Mueller, Robertico R. Croes Article first published online: 21 MAR 2016 Tourism Management DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.03.021 ABSTRACT: The purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of market accessibility on hotel prices and how this […]

Dr. Di Yang Country of origin: China, Liaoning Province Degree Program: PhD Advisor: Dr. Michael Binford Date that you entered grad program: 2013 Fall  

Dr. Yang Yang

Email: Country of Origin: China egree: PhD Advisor: Dr. Timothy Fik Entered Program: Fall 2009 Dissertation Topic: International Tourist Flows, Regional Tourism Growth and Economic Impacts: A Spatial Econometric Method Areas of/Research Interests: Economic Geography, Tourism Geography, Spatial Econometrics