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GEO6938 GEO4938 Terrorism and Space

GEO6938 GEO4938 Terrorism and Space The aim of this course is to study international terrorism and its spatial implications. The course examines how a spatial approach can contribute to better understand the onset and diffusion of terrorist organizations across the world. Terrorism and Space puts a strong emphasis on spatial analysis and geographically-referenced data to […]

GEO3502 Economic Geography

GEO3502 Economic Geography The world is becoming increasingly connected. Yet, the benefits of globalization have not been shared equally across the regions. What makes regions competitive? Why are some cities more innovative than others? How do borders affect human flows and ideas? The aim of this course is to study the causes and consequences of […]

Geography Colloquium: The Geography of Conflict in North and West Africa

Speaker: Dr. Olivier Walther Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Florida Thursday, January 30, 2020 3:50-4:50 PM (Period 8) Zoom, livestreamed on YouTube University of Florida All are welcome to attend. African governments are increasingly confronted with new forms of political violence. This study maps the evolution of violence across North and West Africa. […]

GeogGators featured in Center for African Studies’ Annual Research Report

Several UF Geographers had their research highlighted in the Center for African Studies‘ recently published Annual Research Report for 2019-2020, including Dr. Olivier Walther, Ryan Good, Leandra Merz, and Matthew Pflaum. The report also highlighted several working groups, including the Natural Resources in Africa group, which includes several geographers as members.

GEO3502 Economic Geography

GEO3502 Economic Geography The world is becoming increasingly connected. Yet, the benefits of globalization have not been shared equally across the regions. What makes regions competitive? Why are some cities more innovative than others? How do borders affect human flows and ideas? The aim of this course is to study the causes and consequences of […]

Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram through its mobility patterns

WALTHER – Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram through its mobility patterns Rafael Prieto Curiel, Olivier Walther, & Neave O’Clery Article first published online: 16 JUN 2020 Applied Network Science DOI: 10.1007/s41109-020-00264-4 ABSTRACT: Boko Haram has caused nearly 40,000 casualties in Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad, becoming one of the deadliest Jihadist organisations in […]

Urbanization and border cities in West Africa

WALTHER – Urbanization and border cities in West Africa/Urbanisation et villes frontalières en Afrique de l’Ouest Olivier J. Walther, Lawali Dambo, and Moustapha Koné Article first published online: 1 JUN 2020 L’INFORMATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE ABSTRACT: This article analyzes West Africa’s urbanization process and the demographic role of border cities in the region. In a first part, […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

WALTHER – Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa Valerie C. Valerio, Olivier J. Walther, Marjatta Eilittä, Brahima Cissé, Rachata Muneepeerakul, Gregory A. Kiker Article first published online: 14 MAY 2020 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232681 ABSTRACT: In West Africa, long and complex livestock value chains connect producers mostly in the Sahel with consumption […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

GAINESVILLE, FL – In a new paper published in PLoS ONE today, Dr. Olivier Walther and colleagues produced the first comprehensive mapping of the West African livestock trade network. Their network analysis of more than 42,000 movements from 2013-17 shows that live animals flow through well-defined, long distance trade corridors and that border markets are important […]

Rebel fragmentation in Syria’s civil war

WALTHER – Rebel fragmentation in Syria’s civil war Olivier J. Walther & Patrick Steen Pedersen Article first published online: 13 APR 2020 Small Wars & Insurgencies DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1726566 ABSTRACT: In rebel-held Syria, an array of rebel organisations are nominally allied in their fight against the Syrian government and yet they remain internally divided. Rather than […]