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To Keep a River Running

WALKER – To Keep a River Running Robert Walker Article first published online: 1 OCT 2016 Earth Island Journal It came in low, guns bristling through the open bay. Such a strange apparition, like a giant insect, almost familiar but for its unnatural sound and fury and the faces staring down at them, striped in the black […]

Spring Course: GEO4938/GEO6938 LAS4935/LAS6938 Environmental Catastrophes, Tipping Points, and Challenges

  Global Warming, Extinction Crises, Ocean Acidification.  The newspapers and magazines are full of environmental doomsday prophecies, and this course will help you make sense of what’s happening to our planet.  We start with an overview of recent academic articles that have identified critical components of the earth’s climate system that are on the verge […]

Dr. Robert Walker receives NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences award

Dr. Robert Walker has received an NSF award from the Geography and Spatial Sciences program, to fund a project entitled “International Trade Agreements, Globalization, Land Change, and Agricultural Food Networks” with a budget of $375,000. The research, to be conducted in Mexico, investigates links between spatial shifts in that country’s forest biomes, and neoliberal reforms […]

Smallholders, Agrarian Reform, and Globalization in the Brazilian Amazon: Cattle versus the Environment

SIMMONS, WALKER – Smallholders, Agrarian Reform, and Globalization in the Brazilian Amazon: Cattle versus the Environment Ritaumaria Pereira, Cynthia S. Simmons, and Robert Walker Article first published online: 7 JUL 2016 Land DOI: 10.3390/land5030024 ABSTRACT: Smallholder farming in the Brazilian Amazon has changed markedly over the last few decades, following a pervasive swing to cattle production observed […]

Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development

SIMMONS, WALKER – Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development Cynthia Simmons, Robert Walker, Stephen Perz, Eugenio Arima, Stephen Aldrich, Marcellus Caldas Article first published online: MAR 2016 Journal of Latin American Geography DOI: 10.1353/lag.2016.0011 ABSTRACT: Amazonian deforestation has declined recently, but Brazil’s infrastructure plans continue to target the region. In the interest of […]

Response to Corridors for people, corridors for nature

WALKER – Response to Corridors for people, corridors for nature Robert Walker, Eugenio Arima, Stephen Perz, Carlos Souza eLetter first published online: 3 FEB 2016 Science ABSTRACT: An article in Science by Haddad points to the positive and negative impacts of building roads in developing regions. Transportation investments promote development, but they can also cause environmental degradation. We agree […]

Biothreat Reduction and Economic Development: The Case of Animal Husbandry in Central Asia

BLACKBURN, WALKER – Biothreat Reduction and Economic Development: The Case of Animal Husbandry in Central Asia Robert Walker and Jason Blackburn Article first published online: 23 DEC 2015 Frontiers in Public Health DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00270 ABSTRACT: Improving human welfare is a critical global concern, but not always easy to achieve. Complications in this regard have been faced […]

Dr. Robert T. Walker

Professor Emeritus Center for Latin American Studies (LATAM) Curriculum Vitae Focus Areas Focus Area 4: Geopolitics & The Global Economy Focus Area 5: Catastrophes, Conservation, and Conflict Focus Area 6: Sustainability & Global Environmental Change Areas of Specialization Nature-Society Studies Land Change Geospatial Analysis Amazon Educational Background PhD in Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania, […]