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The Spatial Conflict Life Cycle in Africa

Walther, O., Radil, S., Russell, D. (2024). The spatial conflict life cycle in Africa. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2024.2428812. ABSTRACT: The growing availability of geospatial data that document both how violent actors are connected and where their attacks take place offers a unique opportunity to produce a more integrated approach to […]

The New Anglo-Saxons: Race, Space, and the Production of a Geopolitical Discourse

RUSSELL – The New Anglo-Saxons: Race, Space, and the Production of a Geopolitical Discourse David Russell, Steven Radil Article first published online: 13 October 2023 DOI: ABSTRACT: The question of how individuals produce and reproduce geopolitical ideologies is central to critical geopolitics, but there is little consensus on how this process works or what […]

Urbanisation and Conflicts in North and West Africa

WALTHER, RUSSELL, PFLAUM – Urbanisation and Conflicts in North and West Africa Olivier J. Walther, Steven M. Radil, David G. Russell, Matthew Pflaum, Alexander Thurston First published online: 21 Mar 2023 OECD Report DOI: 10.1787/3fc68183-en ABSTRACT: North and West Africa are undergoing rapid urbanisation. While cities and urban areas have always been sites of conflict, […]

David Russell Sahel Research Group African Networks Lab Curriculum Vitae Country of Origin:  United States Degree Program: PhD Entered Program: Fall 2022 Expected Graduation: Spring 2026 Dissertation Topic: Investigating how the social networks of actors in violent conflicts change over time and space in North and West Africa. Research Interests: Conflict, political violence, terrorism, war, political geography, […]