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Increasing synergistic effects of habitat destruction and hunting on mammals over three decades in the Gran Chaco

NOSS – Increasing synergistic effects of habitat destruction and hunting on mammals over three decades in the Gran Chaco Alfredo Romero-Muñoz, Ana Benítez-López, Damaris Zurell, Matthias Baumann, Micaela Camino, Julieta Decarre, Hugo Castillo del, Anthony J. Giordano, Bibiana Gómez-Valencia, Christian Levers Andrew J. Noss, Verónica Quiroga, J. Jeffrey Thompson, Ricardo Torres, Marianela Velilla, Andrea Weiler, […]

Forest conservation: Remember Gran Chaco

NOSS – Forest conservation: Remember Gran Chaco Tobias Kuemmerle, Mariana Altrichter, Germán Baldi, Marcel Cabido, Micaela Camino, Erika Cuellar, Rosa Leny Cuellar, Julieta Decarre, Sandra Díaz, Ignacio Gasparri, Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro, Rubén Ginzburg, Anthony J. Giordano, H. Ricardo Grau, Esteban Jobbágy, Gerardo Leynaud, Leandro Macchi, Matias Mastrangelo, Silvia D. Matteucci, Andrew Noss, José Paruelo, Maria Piquer-Rodríguez, Alfredo […]

The hunt for sustainability in African rainforests: bushmeat and hunter-gatherers

NOSS – The hunt for sustainability in African rainforests: bushmeat and hunter-gatherers Andrew J. Noss, Daniel J. Ingram Article first published online: NOV 2016 Conservation Biology newsletter, Africa Conservation Telegraph ABSTRACT: Unsustainable hunting threatens both biodiversity and local livelihoods. Three recent publications summarize collaborations of researchers representing an array of institutions working on hunting and wildlife […]

Differences between Pygmy and Non-Pygmy Hunting in Congo Basin Forests

NOSS – Differences between Pygmy and Non-Pygmy Hunting in Congo Basin Forests John E. Fa, Jesús Olivero, Miguel Angel Farfán, Jerome Lewis, Hirokazu Yasuoka, Andrew Noss, Shiho Hattori, Masaaki Hirai, Towa O. W. Kamgaing, Giuseppe Carpaneto, Francesco Germi, Ana Luz Márquez, Jesús Duarte, Romain Duda, Sandrine Gallois, Michael Riddell, Robert Nasi Article first published online: 2 […]

Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: A new regional database.

Taylor, G., Scharlemann, J.P.W., Rowcliff, M., Kümpel, N., Harfoot, M., Fa, J.E., Melisch, R., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Bhagwat, S., Abernethy, K.A., Abugiche, A.S., Albrechtsen, L., Allebone-Webb, S., Anadu, P.A., Basset, T.J., Bennet Hennessy, A., Brown, E., Brugiere, D., Carpaneto, G.M., Colell, M., Cowlishaw, G., Crookes, D., De Merode, E., Dethier, M., Dupain, J., East, T., Edderai, D., Fargeot, C., Fossung, E.E., Gill, D., Greengrass, E., Hayashi, K., Hickey., Hodgkinson, C., Hoffman, M., Jeanmart, P., Juste, J., Linder, J.M., MacDonald, D.W., Mbete, P. Muchaal, P.K., Noss, A.J., Okorie, P.U., Okouyi, V.J.J., Pailler, S., Poulsen, J.R., Puit, M., Riddell, M., Rist, J., Shulte-Herbruggen, B., Starkey, M., Schleicher, J., Thibault, M., van Vliet, N., Whitham, C., Wilcox, A.S., Wilkie, D.S., Wright, J.H., Coad, L. 2015. Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: an introduction to a new regional database. Biological Conservation 181:199-205.

Dr. Andrew J. Noss

Adjunct Professor Coordinator, Master of Sustainable Development Practice Program Curriculum Vitae Focus Area: Global Environmental and Social Change Areas of Specialization Cultural Ecology Protected areas management Indigenous territories and community mapping Landscape and wildlife conservation Community wildlife management Central Africa, Latin America Educational Background PhD in Geography / Tropical Conservation and Development / African Studies, University […]