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Morgan Metrailer

she/her Researcher, Emerging Pathogens Institute Curriculum Vitae Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health State of Origin: Arizona Degree Program: M.S. Entered Program: Fall 2021 Expected Graduation: Spring 2023 Dissertation Topic: Anthrax and Brucellosis in Vietnam Research Statement: I will be working on a large collaborative effort between SEER Lab, NIHE, and the Department of Animal Health […]

Mckenna Stidham wins Dunkle Award!

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2020-21 John R. and Fawn T. Dunkle Geography Award is Mckenna Stidham. The Dunkle award honors the long-time service and devotion of Professor John R. Dunkle to the Department of Geography at the University of Florida. We give this award of $1000 annually […]

Meet the Geographer: Morgan Walker

Morgan Walker Pronouns: she/her or they/them Spatial Epidemiologist and GIS Lab Manager Spatial Epidemiology & Ecology Research Laboratory (SEER Lab) University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Jason Blackburn Focus Area: Geospatial Analysis and Techniques Medical Geography in Global Health  Research Statement: I am broadly interested in disease ecology and spatial epidemiology. My research focuses on transmission […]

Meet the Geographer: Cat Lippi

Cat Lippi Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases Graduate Representative 2019/2020 University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am broadly interested in vector-borne diseases, public health vector control, and investigating the […]

Meet the Geographer: Stephanie Mundis

  Stephanie Mundis Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases Graduate Representative 2019/2020 University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: My research interests are in the application of GIS to understand vector-borne […]

Meet the Geographer: Dr. Yujie Hu

Dr. Yujie Hu Pronouns: he/him University of Florida Focus Areas: GeoSpatial Analysis & Techniques Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am a geographer with research and teaching interests in urban transportation, human mobility, and accessibility. My current research focuses on three main areas: 1) relationships between people’s mobility within cities—including commuting, healthcare-seeking, and […]

Meet the Geographer: Dr. Alexis (Lexi) White

Dr. Lexi White Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am a mathematical ecologist interested in the disease ecology dynamics between wildlife and humans. […]

Sara Shir wins Dunkle Award!

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 2019/20 winner of the John R. and Fawn T. Dunkle Geography Award is Sara Shir. The Dunkle award honors the long-time service and devotion of Professor John R. Dunkle to the Department of Geography at the University of Florida. We give this award of $1000 annually […]

Dr. Michael Norris

Dr. Michael Norris Assistant Research Professor Principal Investigator, Emerging Pathogens Institute Co-Director, Spatial Epidemiology & Ecology Research Laboratory (SEER Lab) (352) 273-8445  Focus Area Focus Area 2: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Focus Area 5: Catastrophes, Conservation, and Conflict Research Statement: I have studied Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei (the etiological agents of […]