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Measuring dimensions of HIV-related stigma among college students

JAMES, RYAN – Measuring dimensions of HIV-related stigma among college students James, T. G., Gebru, N. M., Ryan, S. J., & Cheong, J. Article first published online: 25 JUN 2020 Stigma and Health DOI: 10.1037/sah0000266 ABSTRACT: HIV-related stigma remains a critical barrier to achieving national public health objectives including reducing HIV transmissions and retaining people living […]

MedGeo study on epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus seroprevalence in wild Florida deer

GAINESVILLE, FL – The latest #MedGeo paper from SEER Lab‘s Maria Uribasterra, Jeremy Orange, Dr. Emily Dinh, and  Dr. Jason Blackburn describes the seroprevalance of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) in wild white-tailed deer from North Florida. This study was part of the larger Cervidae Health Research Initiative (CHeRI), directed by Dr. Samantha Wisely from […]

Emily Gordon receives CLAS Scholars Award!

Geogator undergrad researcher Emily Gordon has just been awarded a highly competitive CLAS Scholars Award to support her Medical Geography research. Gordon received her award for a project entitled “Agent based modeling of African Swine Fever Virus infection dynamics in a closed feral and domestic swine population”, which she will be conducting under the supervision […]

Featured Creatures Article on Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus

Medical Geography PhD student Cat Lippi led a new Featured Creatures article on the Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus, published online by UF Entomology and Nematology and FDACS/DPI. Aedes japonicus is an invasive, container-inhabiting mosquito that has expanded its geographic distribution in recent years, establishing in parts of Canada and throughout much of the […]

Safely studying the Coronavirus at UF

GAINESVILLE, FL – SEER Lab Medical Geographer Dr. Michael Norris has launched a new BSL3 lab specifically to study COVID-19 at the Emerging Pathogens Institute. When the pandemic initially broke out, Dr. Norris initially offered his time to help with the testing effort, but quickly realized that his skills could be better utilized elsewhere. He […]

Meet the Geographer: Dr. Alexis (Lexi) White

Dr. Lexi White Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am a mathematical ecologist interested in the disease ecology dynamics between wildlife and humans. […]

Dr. Alexis (Lexi) White

Dr. Alexis (Lexi) White Postdoctoral Researcher Member, Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab (QDEC Lab) Researcher, Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases Researcher, Emerging Pathogens Institute @lexiwhite27 Curriculum Vitae Linked In Google Scholar Impact Story Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am a mathematical ecologist interested in the disease ecology dynamics […]

Dr. Sadie Ryan Best of PLOS 2019!

Dr. Sadie Ryan‘s paper Global expansion and redistribution of Aedes-borne virus transmission risk with climate change in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, was included as the March entry for the Best of PLOS 2019 list. From the announcement: March: Climate change may mean more mosquito-borne diseases worldwide OK, this paper isn’t particularly calming–but it is timely and relevant. Researchers in PLOS […]