University of Florida Homepage

Dr. Liang Mao

Associate Professor Undergraduate Coordinator Turlington Hall 3121 Tel: (352) 294-7516 (Office) Personal Website Google Scholar Curriculum Vitae Focus Areas Focus Area 2: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Focus Area 3: Places, Networks, & Flows Research Statement My research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies. […]

Dr. Jason Blackburn

University Term Professor Professor Graduate Coordinator Office: Turlington Hall 3133 he/him Principal Investigator, Emerging Pathogens Institute Director, Spatial Epidemiology & Ecology Research Laboratory (SEER Lab) Twitter: @JasonKBlackburn (352) 294-7501 Focus Areas Focus Area 2: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Areas of Specialization Zoonotic diseases (those that affect animals and humans) Wildlife diseases Disease […]

Dr. Stephen Golant

Professor Emeritus LinkedIn Profile Focus Areas Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Global Environmental and Social Change Areas of Specialization Gerontology Quality of life of older people Housing, neighborhood, and community needs of the U.S. older population Strengths and weaknesses of alternative shelter and care settings Transportation problems and behaviors of older persons Educational […]

Dr. Alassane Barro

Email: Country of Origin: Burkina Faso           Degree Program: PhD Advisor: Dr. Jason Blackburn Entered Program: Fall 2012 Dissertation Topic: Medical Geography Research Interests: Spatial epidemiology, Spatial analysis, medical geography, GIS and Remote sensing.