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Modeling and Analysis of Excess Commuting with Trip Chains

HU – Modeling and Analysis of Excess Commuting with Trip Chains Yujie Hu, Xiaopeng Li Article first published online: 04 JAN 2021 Annals of the American Association of Geographers DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1835461 ABSTRACT: Commuting, like other types of human travel, is complex in nature, such as trip-chaining behavior involving making stops of multiple purposes between two […]

A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters

HU – A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters Jie Huang, Yujie Hu, Jiaoe Wang, Xiang Li Article first published online: 10 JUL 2020 Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science DOI: 10.1177/2399808320938803 ABSTRACT: The jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structure are naturally […]