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Extreme floods and their relationship with tropical cyclones in Puerto Rico

HERNANDEZ AYALA, KEELLINGS, WAYLEN, MATYAS – Extreme floods and their relationship with tropical cyclones in Puerto Rico José J. Hernández Ayala, David Keellings, Peter R. Waylen & Corene J. Matyas Article first published online: 12 SEPT 2017 Hydrological Sciences Journal DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1368521 ABSTRACT: An extreme value analysis (EVA) point process approach has been implemented to […]

Geography grad hired by Texas A&M University

Spring 2016 PhD graduate Dr. José Javier Hernández Ayala has accepted the position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Physical Geography and Climatology in the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University. At Texas A&M, Javi will be teaching undergraduate and graduate sections of the courses Global Climate Regions and Hydrology & Environment. Javi will also continue his research hydroclimatic […]

Congratulations to Dr. Hernández Ayala, Dr. Morris, and Dr. Zick!

We are proud to announce our latest PhD graduates – Dr. José Javier Hernández Ayala, Dr. Lillian Morris, and Dr. Stephanie Zick! Dr. Zick will join the Department of Geography at Virginia Tech as an Assistant Professor of Geographic Meteorology. She looks forward to diversifying the program with her tropical meteorology and numerical weather prediction expertise. Dr, Morris […]

Geography Colloquium: Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Puerto Rico: Processes, Patterns and Impacts

Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Puerto Rico: Processes, Patterns and Impacts Speaker: Mr. José Javier Hernández Ayala Graduate Student, Geography Thursday, February 10, 2016 3:00-3:50 PM (Period 8) Turlington Hall Room 3012 University of Florida All are welcome to attend.

Tropical cyclone rainfall over Puerto Rico and its relations to environmental and storm-specific factors

HERNANDEZ AYALA, MATYAS – Tropical cyclone rainfall over Puerto Rico and its relations to environmental and storm-specific factors José J. Hernández Ayala and Corene J. Matyas Article first published online: 17 Sep 2015 International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4490 ABSTRACT:  Although tropical cyclone rainfall (TCR) is common over Puerto Rico, the factors that cause this rain to vary […]

Dr. José Javier Hernández Ayala

Email: Country of Origin: Puerto Rico Degree Program: PhD Advisor: Dr. Corene Matyas Entered Program: Fall 2012 Dissertation Topic: “Spatial Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall and the Flood Hydrology of Puerto Rico” Areas of/Research Interests: Tropical Climatology, Climate Change, Applied Climatology, Hydroclimatology, Urban Climatology, Flood Hydrology