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Why do sinkholes form in Florida?

Rainfall percolating and seeping through soil absorbs carbon dioxide, increasing the acidity of groundwater. As water moves through bedding planes and other spaces and cracks, it dissolves limestone and creates a network of cavities and voids. Over millions of years, pores and cracks are enlarged. Sinkholes form when the land surface above collapses or sinks […]

Groundwater System and Climate Change: Present Status and Future Considerations

AMANAMBU, MOSSA – Groundwater System and Climate Change: Present Status and Future Considerations Amobichukwu C. Amanambu, Omon A. Obarein, Joann Mossa, Lanhai Li, Shamusideen S. Ayeni, Olalekan Balogun, Abiola Oyebamiji, Friday U. Ochege Article first published online: 12 JUN 2020 Journal of Hydrology DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125163 ABSTRACT: Climate change will impact every aspect of biophysical systems […]

Interpolation of Groundwater Depth Based on Data Assimilation

YANG – Interpolation of Groundwater Depth based on Data Assimilation MA Huan, YUE Depeng, YANG Di, YU Qiang, ZHANG Qibin, HUANG Yuan Article first published online: 27 APR 2017 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery (in English) DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2017.04.027 ABSTRACT: Groundwater monitoring is limited by practical conditions, and only limited monitoring results can be obtained when it […]