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Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: A new regional database.

Taylor, G., Scharlemann, J.P.W., Rowcliff, M., Kümpel, N., Harfoot, M., Fa, J.E., Melisch, R., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Bhagwat, S., Abernethy, K.A., Abugiche, A.S., Albrechtsen, L., Allebone-Webb, S., Anadu, P.A., Basset, T.J., Bennet Hennessy, A., Brown, E., Brugiere, D., Carpaneto, G.M., Colell, M., Cowlishaw, G., Crookes, D., De Merode, E., Dethier, M., Dupain, J., East, T., Edderai, D., Fargeot, C., Fossung, E.E., Gill, D., Greengrass, E., Hayashi, K., Hickey., Hodgkinson, C., Hoffman, M., Jeanmart, P., Juste, J., Linder, J.M., MacDonald, D.W., Mbete, P. Muchaal, P.K., Noss, A.J., Okorie, P.U., Okouyi, V.J.J., Pailler, S., Poulsen, J.R., Puit, M., Riddell, M., Rist, J., Shulte-Herbruggen, B., Starkey, M., Schleicher, J., Thibault, M., van Vliet, N., Whitham, C., Wilcox, A.S., Wilkie, D.S., Wright, J.H., Coad, L. 2015. Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: an introduction to a new regional database. Biological Conservation 181:199-205.

Tropical cyclones in the North American Regional Reanalysis: The impact of satellite-derived precipitation over ocean

ZICK, MATYAS – Tropical cyclones in the North American Regional Reanalysis: The impact of satellite-derived precipitation over ocean Stephanie E. Zick, Corene J. Matyas Article first published online: 5 September 2015 Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023722 ABSTRACT: Continued advancement in the realm of tropical cyclone (TC) forecasting requires a more accurate depiction of these storms at model […]

Effects of road infrastructure on forest value across a tri-national Amazonian frontier

MARSIK, SOUTHWORTH – Effects of road infrastructure on forest value across a tri-national Amazonian frontier Christopher Baraloto, Paula Alverga, Sufer Baéz Quispe, Grenville Barnes, Nino Bejar Chura, Izaias Brasil da Silva, Wendeson Castro, Harrison da Souza, Iracema Elisabeth de Souza Moll, Jim Del Alcazar Chilo, Hugo Dueñas Linares, Jorge Gárate Quispe, Dean Kenji, Matthew Marsik, Herison Medeiros, […]

The Changing Geomorphology of the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: A Historical Perspective

Mossa – The Changing Geomorphology of the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana:  A Historical Perspective Joann Mossa Article first published online: 18 Aug 2015 Geomorphology DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.08.018 ABSTRACT: The Atchafalaya River in south-central Louisiana is of geomorphic interest because of the large volumes of flow and sediment transported and its role as a major floodway for the lower Mississippi River, notwithstanding […]

Changes in vegetation persistence across global savanna landscapes, 1982–2010

SOUTHWORTH, BUNTING, RYAN, HERRERO, WAYLEN – Changes in vegetation persistence across global savanna landscapes, 1982–2010 J. Southworth, L. Zhu, E. Bunting, S.J. Ryan, H. Herrero, P.R. Waylen & M.J. Hill Article first published online: 14 Aug 2015 Journal of Land Use Science DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2015.1071439 ABSTRACT: We present a global analysis of the changing face of […]

Identifying hotspots of human anthrax transmission using three local clustering techniques

BARRO, KRACALIK, BLACKBURN – study compared three local cluster detection methods to identify local hotspots of human cutaneous anthrax transmission in the country of Georgia where cases have been steadily Alassane S. Barro, Ian T. Kracalik, Lile Malania, Nikoloz Tsertsvadze, Julietta Manvelyan, Paata Imnadze, Jason K. Blackburn ABSTRACT: This study compared three local cluster detection […]

Assessing Interactions Among Changing Climate, Management, and Disturbance in Forests: A Macrosystems Approach

HALL, BINFORD – Forests are experiencing simultaneous changes in climate, disturbance regimes, and management, all of which affect ecosystem function. Climate change is shifting ranges and altering forest productivity.   JUSTIN M. BECKNELL, ANKUR R. DESAI, MICHAEL C. DIETZE, COURTNEY A. SCHULTZ, GREGORY STARR, PAUL A. DUFFY, JERRY F. FRANKLIN, AFSHIN POURMOKHTARIAN, JACLYN HALL, PAUL […]

Regional Inequality and Polarization in the Context of Concurrent Extreme Weather and Economic Shocks

MATYAS – Regional Inequality and Polarization in the Context of Concurrent Extreme Weather and Economic Shocks Julie A. Silva, Corene J. Matyas and Benedito Cunguara Article first published online: 1 Jan 2015 Applied Geography DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.01.015 ABSTRACT: This study examines how extreme weather influences regional inequality and polarization within Mozambique in the context of on-going economic shocks. […]

Residential Normalcy and the Enriched Coping Repertoires of Successfully Aging Older Adults

GOLANT – Residential Normalcy and the Enriched Coping Repertoires of Successfully Aging Older Adults Stephen M. Golant Article first published online: 18 MAY 2014 The Gerontologist DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnu036 ABSTRACT: An earlier theoretical model equated the construct of residential normalcy with older persons positively appraising their residential environments. Failing to achieve congruent places to live, they initiate assimilative (action) or […]

Tropical cyclone formation and motion in the Mozambique Channel

MATYAS – Tropical cyclone formation and motion in the Mozambique Channel Corene J. Matyas Article first published online: 7 Apr 2014 International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.3985 ABSTRACT: Although tropical cyclones (TCs) forming in the Mozambique Channel are relatively close to land and have affected vulnerable populations, few studies specifically examine these storms. This study analysed […]