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Endangered Amazon: An Indigenous Tribe Fights Back Against Hydropower Development in the Tapajós Valley

SIMMONS, WALKER – Endangered Amazon: An Indigenous Tribe Fights Back Against Hydropower Development in the Tapajós Valley Robert Walker and Cynthia Simmons Article first published online: 01 MAR 2018 Environment Magazine ABSTRACT: One of Amazonia’s most pristine waterways, the Tapajós River, is under a development threat that holds implications for the entire basin. This threat […]

Floating fish camps on the Apalachicola River, Florida: Increases and Implications

CHEN, MOSSA – Floating fish camps on the Apalachicola River, Florida: Increases and Implications Joann Mossa, Yin-Hsuen Chen Article first published online: 09 FEB 2018 The Florida Geographer ABSTRACT: Peoples from various cultures and locations have been living on the edge or margin of water-land interfaces in floating houses of various types, either permanently or […]

Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift

DOWHANIUK, GOLDMAN, RYAN – Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift Jonathan Salerno, Colin A. Chapman, Jeremy E. Diem, Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Abraham Goldman, Catrina A. MacKenzie, Patrick Aria Omeja, Michael W. Palace, Rafael Reyna-Hurtado, Sadie J. Ryan, Joel Hartter Article first published online: 14 NOV 2017 Regional […]

Extreme floods and their relationship with tropical cyclones in Puerto Rico

HERNANDEZ AYALA, KEELLINGS, WAYLEN, MATYAS – Extreme floods and their relationship with tropical cyclones in Puerto Rico José J. Hernández Ayala, David Keellings, Peter R. Waylen & Corene J. Matyas Article first published online: 12 SEPT 2017 Hydrological Sciences Journal DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1368521 ABSTRACT: An extreme value analysis (EVA) point process approach has been implemented to […]

Using Repeat Photography to Observe Vegetation Change Over Time in Gorongosa National Park

HERRERO, SOUTHWORTH, BUNTING, CHILD – Using Repeat Photography to Observe Vegetation Change Over Time in Gorongosa National Park HANNAH V. HERRERO, JANE SOUTHWORTH, ERIN BUNTING, and BRIAN CHILD Article first published online: JUN 2017 African Studies Quarterly ABSTRACT: Protected areas are important conservation tools, as they can be managed to preserve baseline ecosystem health, including that […]

Anthropogenic landforms and sediments from dredging and disposing sand along the Apalachicola River and its floodplain

CHEN, MOSSA, WU – Anthropogenic landforms and sediments from dredging and disposing sand along the Apalachicola River and its floodplain Joann Mossa, Yin-Hsuen Chen, Scott P. Walls, G. Mathias Kondolf, Chia-Yu Wu Article first published online: 12 MAR 2017 Geomorphology DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.03.010 ABSTRACT: The Apalachicola River, which begins at the confluence of the Chattahoochee and […]

Forest conservation: Remember Gran Chaco

NOSS – Forest conservation: Remember Gran Chaco Tobias Kuemmerle, Mariana Altrichter, Germán Baldi, Marcel Cabido, Micaela Camino, Erika Cuellar, Rosa Leny Cuellar, Julieta Decarre, Sandra Díaz, Ignacio Gasparri, Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro, Rubén Ginzburg, Anthony J. Giordano, H. Ricardo Grau, Esteban Jobbágy, Gerardo Leynaud, Leandro Macchi, Matias Mastrangelo, Silvia D. Matteucci, Andrew Noss, José Paruelo, Maria Piquer-Rodríguez, Alfredo […]

Fountain of Youth

WALKER – Fountain of Youth Robert Walker Article first published online: 02 FEB 2017 Kudzu House INTRODUCTION: Upon my unanticipated return to Florida six months ago, I hurried to Silver Springs where I’d spent many a summer day as a child.  To escape the heat of the Tampa Bay area, my parents would load my kid brother […]

Detection of an FV3-like Ranavirus in Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) and Green Frogs (Lithobates clamitans) in a Constructed Vernal Pool Network in Central New York State

RYAN – Detection of an FV3-like Ranavirus in Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) and Green Frogs (Lithobates clamitans) in a Constructed Vernal Pool Network in Central New York State TESS E. YOUKER-SMITH, CHRISTOPHER M. WHIPPS, SADIE J. RYAN Article first published online: 19 DEC 2016 Herpetological Review SUMMARY: As the US Northeast experienced reforestation over the past decades, recovering […]

Cholera in Cameroon, 2000-2012: Spatial and Temporal Analysis at the Operational (Health District) and Sub Climate Levels

KRACALIK, MORRIS, BLACKBURN – Cholera in Cameroon, 2000-2012: Spatial and Temporal Analysis at the Operational (Health District) and Sub Climate Levels Moise C. Ngwa, Song Liang, Ian T. Kracalik, Lillian Morris, Jason K. Blackburn, Leonard M. Mbam, Simon Franky Baonga Ba Pouth, Andrew Teboh, Yang Yang, Mouhaman Arabi, Jonathan D. Sugimoto, John Glenn Morris Jr. Article […]