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Urbanization and border cities in West Africa

WALTHER – Urbanization and border cities in West Africa/Urbanisation et villes frontalières en Afrique de l’Ouest Olivier J. Walther, Lawali Dambo, and Moustapha Koné Article first published online: 1 JUN 2020 L’INFORMATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE ABSTRACT: This article analyzes West Africa’s urbanization process and the demographic role of border cities in the region. In a first part, […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

WALTHER – Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa Valerie C. Valerio, Olivier J. Walther, Marjatta Eilittä, Brahima Cissé, Rachata Muneepeerakul, Gregory A. Kiker Article first published online: 14 MAY 2020 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232681 ABSTRACT: In West Africa, long and complex livestock value chains connect producers mostly in the Sahel with consumption […]

Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa

GAINESVILLE, FL – In a new paper published in PLoS ONE today, Dr. Olivier Walther and colleagues produced the first comprehensive mapping of the West African livestock trade network. Their network analysis of more than 42,000 movements from 2013-17 shows that live animals flow through well-defined, long distance trade corridors and that border markets are important […]

Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010

New publication in Land Use Policy explores the relationship between demographic and economic changes and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001-2010. In this collaboration between UF Geography’s Sadie J. Ryan and researchers from UCSB and CU Boulder, drivers of sub-national level forest cover change from 2001-2010 – both loss and gain – were explored […]

Exploring environmental coverages of species: a new variable contribution estimation methodology for rulesets from the genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction

BLACKBURN, YANG – Exploring environmental coverages of species: a new variable contribution estimation methodology for rulesets from the genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction Anni Yang, Juan Pablo Gomez, and Jason K. Blackburn Article first published online: 12 MAY 2020 PeerJ DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8968 ABSTRACT: Variable contribution estimation for, and determination of variable importance within, ecological niche […]

Latest SEER Lab publication introduces novel variable selection method for ecological niche modeling

Ecological niche models (ENMs) are widely used to predict the geographic distribution of species and are applied across taxa. Within the geography department, ENMs have been used to map hosts, vectors, and pathogens for MedGeo studies, species of conservation concern, and invasive species potential. Such models rely on relating non-random patterns of occurrences, locations where […]

Spatial variation in the frequency of knockdown resistance genotypes in Florida Aedes aegypti populations

MUNDIS, RYAN – Spatial variation in the frequency of knockdown resistance genotypes in Florida Aedes aegypti populations Stephanie J. Mundis, Alden S. Estep, Christy M. Waits, & Sadie J. Ryan Article first published online: 11 MAY 2020 Parasites & Vectors DOI: 10.1186/s13071-020-04112-3 ABSTRACT: Background The development of insecticide resistance in disease-vectoring mosquito species can lead […]

Conservation in the maelstrom of COVID-19 – a call to action to solve the challenges, exploit opportunities and prepare for the next pandemic

RYAN – Conservation in the maelstrom of COVID-19 – a call to action to solve the challenges, exploit opportunities and prepare for the next pandemic K.L. Evans J.G. Ewen G. Guillera-Arroita J.A. Johnson V. Penteriani S.J. Ryan R. Sollmann I.J. Gordon Article first published online: 05 MAY 2020 Animal Conservation DOI: 10.1111/acv.12601 ABSTRACT: As we […]

Spatial point pattern analysis of traces (SPPAT): An approach for visualizing and quantifying site-selectivity patterns of drilling predators

BLACKBURN – Spatial point pattern analysis of traces (SPPAT): An approach for visualizing and quantifying site-selectivity patterns of drilling predators Alexis Rojas, Gregory P. Dietl, Michal Kowalewski, Roger W. Portell, Austin Hendy, and Jason K. Blackburn Article first published online: 05 MAY 2020 Paleobiology DOI: 10.1017/pab.2020.15 ABSTRACT: Site-selectivity analysis of drilling predation traces may provide […]

Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention

LIPPI, RYAN – Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention Sadie J. Ryan, Catherine A. Lippi, & Fernanda Zermoglio Article first published online: 01 MAY 2020 Malaria Journal DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03224-6 ABSTRACT: Background Malaria continues to be a disease of massive burden in Africa, and the public […]