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Economic performance, gender and social networks in West African food systems

WALTHER – Economic performance, gender and social networks in West African food systems Olivier J. Walther, Michel Tenikue, and Marie Trémolières Article first published online: 15 DEC 2019 World Development DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104650 ABSTRACT: The objective of this article is to measure the effects of income and gender on informal social networks in the rice value […]

Impact of Coastal Hazards on Residents’ Spatial Accessibility to Health Services

HU – Impact of Coastal Hazards on Residents’ Spatial Accessibility to Health Services Georgios P. Balomenos, Yujie Hu, Jamie E. Padgett, and Kyle Shelton Article first published online: 1 DEC 2019 Journal of Infrastructure Systems DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000509 ABSTRACT: The mobility of residents and their access to essential services can be highly affected by transportation network […]

Mapping travel time to assess accessibility in West Africa: The role of borders, checkpoints and road conditions

WALTHER – Mapping travel time to assess accessibility in West Africa: The role of borders, checkpoints and road conditions Olivier J.Walther, Lawali Dambo, Moustapha Koné, and Michiel van Eupen Article first published online: 29 NOV 2019 Journal of Transport Geography DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2019.102590 ABSTRACT: Distance, transport infrastructure and city networks Accessibility remains problematic in many parts […]

Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010

RYAN – Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010 Daniel Ervin, David Lopéz-Carr, Fernando Riosmena, Sadie J.Ryan Article first published online: 25 NOV 2019 Land Use Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104334 ABSTRACT: This project examines the relationship between migration, population, and economic processes, and forest cover change in Mexico […]

Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010

RYAN – Examining the relationship between migration and forest cover change in Mexico from 2001 to 2010 Daniel Ervin, David Lopéz-Carr, Fernando Riosmena, & Sadie J.Ryan Article first published online: 25 NOV 2019 Land Use Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104334 ABSTRACT: This project examines the relationship between migration, population, and economic processes, and forest cover change in […]

Mapping International Co-authorship Networks in Border Studies (1986–2018)

WALTHER – Mapping International Co-authorship Networks in Border Studies (1986–2018) Olivier Walther, Martin Klatt, & Freerk Boedeltje Article first published online: 05 NOV 2019 Journal of Borderlands Studies DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2019.1685402 ABSTRACT: Border studies have become increasingly global over the past two decades. Yet, a network analysis of the articles published in the Journal of Borderlands […]

Avoiding Amazonian Catastrophes: Prospects for Conservation in the 21st Century

ANTUNES, IRIGARAY CASTRO, SIMMONS, WALKER, WAYLEN – Avoiding Amazonian Catastrophes: Prospects for Conservation in the 21st Century Robert Toovey Walker, Cynthia Simmons, Eugenio Arima, Yankuic Galvan-Miyoshi, Aghane Antunes, Michael Waylen, and Maíra Irigaray Article first published online: 25 OCT 2019 One Earth DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2019.09.009 ABSTRACT: A new threat now confronts the Amazon in the form […]

Mapping the Geography of Political Violence in North and West Africa

WALTHER – Mapping the Geography of Political Violence in North and West Africa Olivier J. Walther, Steven M. Radil, and David Russell Article first published online: 17 OCT 2019 Development Matters ABSTRACT: A worrying turn The security situation in North and West Africa has taken a worrying turn. Within the span of a few years, […]

Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh

MEHEDY, SOUTHWORTH – Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh Mohammad Mehedy Hassan, Levente Juhász, and Jane Southworth Article first published online: 11 OCT 2019 International Journal of Geo-Information DOI: 10.3390/ijgi8100447 ABSTRACT: Due to the high demand for cheap construction materials, clay-made brick manufacturing has become a thriving industry in Bangladesh, […]