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Geography Colloquium: Indigenous Rights at a Crossroads – Land Conflicts, the Inter-American Court, and Liminal Legal Geographies in Paraguay’s Chaco

Indigenous Rights at a Crossroads: Land Conflicts, the Inter-American Court, and Liminal Legal Geographies in Paraguay’s Chaco Speaker: Dr. Joel Correia Assistant Professor, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida Thursday, September 27, 2018 2:50-3:50 PM (Period 8) Turlington Hall Room 3012 University of Florida All are welcome to attend.

Dr. Robert Walker receives NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences award

Dr. Robert Walker has received an NSF award from the Geography and Spatial Sciences program, to fund a project entitled “International Trade Agreements, Globalization, Land Change, and Agricultural Food Networks” with a budget of $375,000. The research, to be conducted in Mexico, investigates links between spatial shifts in that country’s forest biomes, and neoliberal reforms […]

Integrating Research and Practice to Promote More Resilient Family Agriculture

Geography PhD candidate Mr. David Hanson will be participating in a panel discussion at the “Integrating Research and Practice to Promote More Resilient Family Agriculture” workshop on March 30th. The workshop is a collaboration between the Tropical Conservation & Development Program, the Center for Latin American Studies, and the UF Brazil Institute. The objectives of the workshop are: to […]

Dr. Robert T. Walker

Professor Emeritus Center for Latin American Studies (LATAM) Curriculum Vitae Focus Areas Focus Area 4: Geopolitics & The Global Economy Focus Area 5: Catastrophes, Conservation, and Conflict Focus Area 6: Sustainability & Global Environmental Change Areas of Specialization Nature-Society Studies Land Change Geospatial Analysis Amazon Educational Background PhD in Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania, […]