Internships and Similar Opportunities
UF Florida Climate Institute (FCI)
Florida Student Climate Fellows
Undergrad and summer masters students engage in an original climate-related research project with a faculty mentor. Can include research, education, communication, outreach, and other projects that help enable communities to take action to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. Each fellow can earn up to $2000. The faculty mentor receives $500 to oversee the project. In 2022, the application deadline is May 15.
Internship Boards and Mentorship Programs
Policy-related internships in D.C.
Managed by UF
AMS Internship Board
Like a job board, but for internships.
Private Sector Mentorship Program
Organized by the AMS Board for Private Sector Meteorologists
Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Mentorship program
New in 2022, mainly for graduate students and early-career scientists.
Other Job Resources Gathered by AMS
Private Sector Opportunities
Google Summer of Code
Work on open source software development with mentors.
Delta Airlines
Summer Meteorology Intern
Job Board:
Southwest Airlines
Campus Reach program
Giant Leap Projects
CNN had a Weather and Climate Intern in 2024
Job Board:
FOX Weather had an internship program in 2024
This is the national channel based in NYC.
2024 Announcement
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Summer Research Experiences
Lapenta – NWS William M Lapenta NOAA Student Internship Program
A 10-week summer internship at a NWS facility that includes a stipend, dorm-style housing, and a travel allowance to/from the location. Improve understanding of forecast problems and model development. Use coding to create new data analysis, data visualization, incorporate social science to communicating forecast uncertainty, etc.
Hollings – Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
This is a NOAA funded program where students travel to a host NOAA institution to work on a small research project over the summer. You also get a 2-year scholarship.
REU – Research Experience for Undergraduates
This is an NSF funded program where students travel to a host institution to work on a small research project over the summer. There have been programs during the school year, so you can look for those, too. Each institution hosts 10+ students, so you won’t be alone. Search for an “Atmospheric or Geospatial Science” REU site on the NSF webpage. In 2020, there were 14 host institutions.
NOAA Climate Program Office Communications Intern
Announcement for 2024
SEAS – NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab Summer Student Fellowships
All NOAA Student Opportunities
Use their drop-down menu to show opportunities for Fellowship, Internship, Scholarship, or Program.
University Cooperation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Summer Experiences
SOARS – Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science
An undergraduate-to-graduate bridge program designed to broaden participation of historically underrepresented communities in the atmospheric and related sciences.
NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop
UCAR Unidata Summer Internships
UCAR Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science
National Weather Service (NWS)
NWS Pathways
These come up from time to time on If a student is really interested in the National Weather Service or other public positions related to it, this is extremely valuable for a resume.
Job Board:
WFOs in Jacksonville, Melbourne, Tampa, Miami, Key West, Tallahassee
Many office gather applications for a summer volunteer program. Typically, the student will see what they do at the WFO and work on a research project with their meteorologists. Some offices will take student volunteers to contact the office and simply ask if they can volunteer. The undergraduate coordinator can help put you in touch with an office.
American Meteorological Society (AMS)
Summer Policy Colloquium
For Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Faculty
Join some 30–40 of your peers who will dialog with policy-level officials in the federal agencies and Executive Office of the President, Congressional members and staffers from both parties, and other leaders engaged in the policy process.
AMS Graduate Fellowship
The AMS Fellowship Program provides funding to pursue graduate education in the atmospheric or related sciences. Fellowships come with further benefits that include travel funding for the AMS Annual Meeting, attend exclusive events at the AMS Annual Meeting, and receive ongoing academic and career support from AMS.
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA Student Airborne Research Program
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Summer Internship Program
NASA DEVELOP Internship Program
NASA Internships
Summer, Spring, and Fall opportunities.
General information:
List of opportunities:
UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)
CLAS Beyond120
There will be applications for the Spring 2022 for summer/fall experiences. The Beyond120 program is offering scholarships to support student participation in experiential learning. Awards are between $500 and $2000, typically supporting students for a semester.
Other Groups
Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System
Associated with Princeton University and NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL).
Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Science (AI4ESS) Summer School
This was held virtually on June 22-26, 2020. Look out for future iterations of this program. This focuses on the fundamentals of AI/ML/DL and how to evaluate output.
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science (TAI4ES) Summer School
This was held virtually on July 26-29, 2021, held by NCAR and the AI2ES institute. Look out for future iterations of this program. This focuses on trustworthiness of AI in science, using explanatory AI, thinking about ethics and trust issues, and AI applications to the environmental sciences.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) internship program
Internships are professional learning experiences to gain hands-on experience in the fields of environmental research and public engagement. A full-time 10-16 week program that provides housing and a stipend. Research is typically related to ecology. Public engagement project options include environmental education, participatory science, and science writing.
Univ. of Illinois FARM Facility Radar Institute
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison AOS Summer Research Program
USGS Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program
Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program
Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships
Scholarships and Grants
AMS Travel Grants
AMS Father James B. Macelwane Award in Meteorology
American Meteorological Society
About four scholarships relevant to students.
National Weather Association
There are ten scholarships here.
Job Boards
Geospatial Jobs Substack
Maintained by Ali Ahmadalipour
Institute for Broadening Participation
Includes programs, scholarships, grants, awards, for high school students, K-12 teachers, undergraduate students, post-baccalareate, graduate students and post-docs.
National Weather Association
Must be a member to view their job board.
American Meteorological Society
A lot of senior positions, but you never know.
Anything in the federal government: NWS, NASA, National Parks, National Labs, etc.
Indeed, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Monster, CareerBuilder, etc.
There are a number of generic job boards for the private sector out there. You’ll want to search for “data science” or “software engineer,” but add “weather” or “climate” to the search. So, for example, “data science weather” or “software engineer climate” etc.
To prepare for a coding job, look into the “Cracking the Coding Interview” textbook. Look into “whiteboard programing interviews.”