(38-44 hours)
A. Geoscience Fundamentals and Tracking Courses (11 credits)
GEO 2200 Physical Geography (3)
GEO 2200L Physical Geography Lab (1)
GLY 2010C Physical Geology (4)
STA 2023 Introductory Statistics (3)
B. Geoscience Foundations (11 credits)
GIS 3043 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems (4)
GLY 3202C Earth Materials (3)
GLY 2100C Historical Geology (4) or GLY 3105C Evolution of Earth and Life (4)
C. Geoscience Electives in Geography (9-12 credits)
[Take 3 courses, Note: Credit will not be given twice for a cross-listed course or a graduate and undergraduate section of the same course]
GEO 3250 Climatology (3)
GEO 3280 Principles of Geographic Hydrology (4)
GEO 3315 Geography of Crop Plants (3)
GEO 3341 Extreme Floods (3)
GEO 3352 Human Footprint on the Landscape
GEO 3372 Conservation of Resources (3)
GEO 4167C Intermediate Quantitative Analysis (3)
GEO 4281 Fluvial Morphology and Processes (3)
GEO 4285 Models in Geographic Hydrology (3)
GEO 4300 Environmental Biogeography (3)
GIS 4021C Air Photo Interpretation (3)
GIS 4037 Digital Image Processing (4)
MET 3503 Weather and Forecasting (3)
MET4532 Hurricanes (3)
MET 4560 Atmospheric Teleconnections (3)
MET 4750 Atmospheric Data Analysis (3)
D. Geoscience Electives in Geological Sciences (6-8 credits)
[Take 2 courses, Note: Credit will not be given twice for a cross-listed course or a graduate and undergraduate section of the same course]
GLY 3074 Oceans and Global Climate (3)
GLY 3163 Geology American National Parks (3)
GLY 3603C Paleontology (4)
GLY 3882C Hydrology and Human Affairs (3)
GLY 4155C Geology of Florida (3)
GLY 4310C Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4)
GLY 4400C Structural Geology and Tectonics (4)
GLY 4552C Sedimentary Geology (4)
GLY 4734 Coastal Morphology and Processes (3)
E. Capstone Course (1-2 credits)
[Pick 1; GEO majors should take GEO 4930 and GLY majors take GLY4750L]
GEO 4930 Senior Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Senior standing; majors only.
GLY 4750L Geological Field Methods (2)
F. Recommended Electives
[CLAS requires 18 credits of upper division (3000 and 4000-level) electives outside the major. Below are some courses that would strongly complement the BA track in Environmental Geosciences in both the Geography and Geology majors]
AEB 3450 Introduction to Natural Resource Economics (prereq. AEB3103 or ECO 2023)
AEB 4123 Agricultural and Natural Resource Law
AEB 4126 Agricultural and Natural Resource Ethics
CWR 4542 Water Resources Engineering
EES 3000 Environmental Science and Humanity
EES 4050 Environmental Planning and Design
EES 4370 Environmental Meteorology and Oceanography (Prereq. CHM 2046)
OCE 3016 Introduction to Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering
POS 4931 Florida Environmental Politics
POT 3503 Environmental Ethics and Politics
SWS 3022/L Introduction to Soils in the Environment/and Laboratory
SWS 4223 Environmental Biogeochemistry (Prereq. BSC 2010 & L, CHM 2045 & L)
SWS 4231C Soil, Water and Land Use
SWS 4233 Soil and Water Conservation
SWS 4244 Wetlands
SWS 4245 Water Resource Sustainability
SWS 4550 Soil, Water, and Public Health
SWS 4715C Environmental Pedology (prereq. SWS 3022)
URP 4000 Preview of Urban and Regional Planning
[Note: Majors in this specialization will not be allowed to minor in the opposite discipline. Students with very strong interests in both Geography and Geology are encouraged to double major instead.]
Contact: Dr. Liang Mao, Geography Undergraduate Coordinator
Office: 3121 Turlington; E-mail ( or Phone: (352) 294-7516