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B.A. in Geography – Medical Geography in Global Health



(34-37 hours in Geography, courses do not double count)

A. Geographic Fundamentals (6 credits)

GEO 2200             Physical Geography (3)

and one of:

GEO 2410             Social Geography (3)

GEO 2420             Introduction to Human Geography (3)

GEO 2500             Global and Regional Economies (3)

B1. Geographic Techniques Requirements (6 credits)

GEO 2200L          Physical Geography Lab (1)

GEO 3162C          Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for Geographers (4) Prerequisite: STA 2023

GEO 4930             Senior Seminar (1) Prerequisite:  Senior standing; majors only.

B2. Geographic Techniques Electives.  (Two courses for 6-8 credits)

GIS 3043               Foundations of GIS (4) (required)

GIS 3420               Spatial Models in Public Health (3); Rec. Prerequisite: GIS 3043C (recommended)

GIS 4021C            Air Photo Interpretation (3)

GIS 4113               Introduction to Spatial Networks (3)

GEO 4167C          Intermediate Quantitative Analysis for Geographers (3)

GIS 4037               Digital Image Processing (4)

GEO 4938             Applications of GIS for Spatial Epid.& Disease Ecology; Prereq: GEO3162C & GIS 3043C

GEO 4938             Disease Map Kriging (3); Prerequisite: GIS 3043C

GEO 4938             Geography of Vector-Borne Diseases (3); Prerequisite: GIS 3043C

GEO 4938             GIS Programming using R; Prerequisite: GIS 3043C

C1. Medical Geography Core (2 courses, 6 credits minimum from)

GEO 3452             Introduction to Medical Geography (3)

GEO 3454             Peoples and Plagues (3)

GEO 3427             Plants, Health and Spirituality (3)

GEO 4612             Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly (3)

C2. Geography Elective (2 courses, 6 credits minimum from)

GEO 2242             Extreme Weather (3)

GEO 3250             Climatology (3)

GEO 3280             Principles of Geographic Hydrology (3), Prerequisite:  GEO 3280

GEO 3315             Geography of Crop Plants (3)

GEO 3341             Extreme Floods (3)

GEO 3352             Human Footprint on the Landscape (3)

GEO 3372             Conservation of Resources (3)

GEO 3430             Population Geography

GEO 3502             Economic Geography (3)

GEO 3602             Urban and Business Geography (3)

GEO 3611             Housing People Places (3)

GEO 3803             Geography of Alcohol (3)

GEO 4281             Fluvial Morphology and Processes (3)

GEO 4285             Models in Geographic Hydrology (3)

GEO 4300             Environmental Biogeography (3)

GEO 4554             Regional Development (3)

GEO 4938             Cultural and Political Ecology

GEO 4938             Geography of Environment and Development (3)

GEO 4938             Environmental Catastrophes, Tipping Points and Challenges (3)

GEO 4944             Internship (variable)

GEO 4970             Honors Thesis (3)

MET 3503            Weather and Forecasting (3)

MET4532             Hurricanes (3)

MET 4560            Atmospheric Teleconnections (3)

MET 4750            Atmospheric Data Analysis (3)

Additional courses from Category B2 and C1 beyond the two minimum required

D. Regional Geography (3 credits)

GEA 2270             Florida (3)

GEA 3405             Latin America (3)

GEA 3500             Europe (3)

GEA 3600             Africa (3)

GEA 4465             Amazonia (3)

Recommended Electives

[CLAS requires 18 credits of upper division (3000 and 4000-level) electives outside the major.  Below are some courses that would complement the BA track in Medical Geography in Global Health

ANT 3478 Global Health Culture

ANT 4468 Health and Disease in Human Evolution, Prereq: ANT 3514C, or permission

ANT 4462 Culture and Medicine

HSA 3111 U.S. Health Care System

HSC 3102 Personal and Family Health

HSC 3502 Survey of Diseases and Disabilities 1

HSC 4558 Survey of Diseases and Disabilities 2

HSC 4624 Trends in International Health

PHC 3440 Global Public Health

PHC 3603 Critical Issues in Public Health

PHC 4094 Introduction to Biostatistics for Health Science and Public Health

PHC 4101 Public Health Concepts

SWS 4550 Soils, Water and Public Health

SYD 3805 Gender and Health

SYO 4400 Medical Sociology

WST 4941c, Practicum in Health Disparities (Prereq. WST 2322)

Any Pre-Med or Pre-Vet recommended courses


Contact: Dr. Liang Mao, Geography Undergraduate Coordinator

Office: 3121 Turlington; E-mail ( or Phone: (352) 294-7516