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Dr. Liang Mao

Associate Professor

Undergraduate Coordinator

Turlington Hall 3121

Tel: (352) 294-7516 (Office)

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Curriculum Vitae

Focus Areas

Research Statement

My research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies. My research interests focus on: Agent-based modeling and simulation; Geospatial network analysis; Spatial accessibility and disparities, such as cancer and access to healthcare/healthy food.

Recent Courses

  • GEO3452/6451: Intro. to Medical Geography
  • GEO4930 Senior Seminar
  • GIS3420C/6425C: GIS Models for Public Health
  • GIS4113/6104: Spatial networks
  • GIS4115/6117: Applied Geostatistics

Recent Funded Projects

  • 2018-2020. PI. National Research Council Transportation Research Board. Phase 2: The role of air travel in the transmission and spread of insect-borne diseases ($14,692).
  • 2016-2018. PI. UF Informatics Institute Seed Fund. Developing temporally comparable high resolution rurality maps for social and health sciences. ($45,120).
  • 2018-2021. Co-PI. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Individual-based epidemic modeling at a city scale with multi-source trajectory data (¥770,000 as $114,925).
  • 2017-2020. Co-Investigator. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Modeling individual’s decision-making dynamic and its collective effects on urban sprawl using micro-simulation. (¥650,000 as $97,320).

Educational Background

  • PhD in Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2010
  • M.S. in GIScience, Nanjing University, 2005
  • B.S. in Geography, Nanjing University, 2002

Recent Publications (* indicates corresponding authorship)

Mao, L. (2025). Modeling time-varying spatial accessibility to healthcare: A system dynamic approach. 91

Han, Y., Mao, L., Chen, X., Zhai, W., Peng, Z. R., & Mozumder, P. (2022). Agent‐based Modeling to Evaluate Human–Environment Interactions in Community Flood Risk Mitigation. Risk Analysis42(9), 2041-206

Yin, L.*, Zhang, H., Li, Y., Liu, K., Chen, T., Luo, W., …, Mao, L.,* & Mei, S*. (2021). A data driven agent-based model that recommends non-pharmaceutical interventions to suppress Coronavirus disease 2019 resurgence in megacities. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(181), 20210112 (Article Link)

Du, F., Mao, L., & Wang, J. (2021). Determinants of travel mode choice for seeking healthcare: A comparison between elderly and non-elderly patients. Journal of transport geography, 92, 103023 (Article Link)

Yuan, F., Liu, R., Mao, L., & Li, M. (2021). Internet of people enabled framework for evaluating performance loss and resilience of urban critical infrastructures. Safety science, 134, 105079. (Article Link)

Yang, Y., Metcalf, S., & Mao, L.* (2020). Modeling transit-assisted hurricane evacuation through socio-spatial networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-18 (Article Link

Fu, H., Zhang, Y., Liao, C., Mao, L., Wang, Z., & Hong, N. (2020). Investigating PM 2.5 responses to other air pollutants and meteorological factors across multiple temporal scales. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-10 (Article Link

Yang. Y., Metcalf, S., Mao, L.* (2020) Modeling transit-assisted hurricane evacuation through socio-spatial networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-18 (Article Link)

Han, Y., Ash, K., Mao, L., & Peng, Z. R. (2020). An agent-based model for community flood adaptation under uncertain sea-level rise. Climatic Change, 1-20.(Article Link)

Lippi, C.A., Mao, L., Stewart-Ibarra, A.M. et al. (2020). A network analysis framework to improve the delivery of mosquito abatement services in Machala, Ecuador. International Journal of Health Geographies 19, 3 (Article Link)

Yin, L., Lin, N., Song, X.Q., Mei, S.J., Shaw, S.L., Fang, Z.X., Li, Q.L. Mao, L*. (2020). Space-Time Personalized Short Message Service (SMS) for Infectious Disease Control – Policies for Precise Public Health. Applied Geography 114. 102103. (Article Link)

Yaghyan, L., Cogle, C.R., Deng, G.R., Yang, J., Jackson, P., Hardt, N., Mao, L.*. (2019). Continuous Rural-Urban Coding for Cancer Disparity Studies: Is It Appropriate for Statistical Analysis? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(6).1076 (Article Link)

Wu, C.Y., Mossa, J., Mao, L. Almulla, M. (2019). Comparison of different spatial interpolation methods for historical hydrographic data of the Lowermost Mississippi River. Annals of GIS. (Article Link)

Zhang, J. W., Mao, L.* (2019). Integrating multi-modal transportation into measures of spatial food accessibility. Journal of Transport & Health.13:1-11 (Article Link)

Yang, Y., Mao, L., Metcalf, S., (2019). Diffusion of hurricane evacuation behavior through a home-workplace social network: A spatially explicit agent-based simulation model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 74: 13-22 (Article Link)

Mollalo, A., Mao, L., Rashidi, P., Glass, G. (2019) A GIS-based Artificial Neural Network Model for Spatial Distribution of Tuberculosis across the Continental United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,16, 157 (Article Link)

Gomez,J.P., Nekorchuk,D., Mao, L., Ryan S. J., Ponciano, J.M., Blackburn K.J.(2018). Compartmental Model for Environmentally-mediated Indirect Disease Transmission. PLoS ONE 13 (12), e0208621 (Article Link)

Deng, GR., Mao, L.* (2018). Spatially explicit age segregation index and self-rated health of older adults in U.S. cities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7,351 (Article Link)

Stacciarini, J.M., Vacca, R., Mao, L.* (2018) Who and Where: A socio-spatial analytic approach for community-based health research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(7), 1375 (Article Link)

Yaghjyan, L., Rich, S., Mao, L., Mai, V., Egan, K.M. (2018). Interactions of coffee consumption and postmenopausal hormone use in relation to breast cancer risk in UK Biobank. Cancer Causes & Control, 29(6):519-525 (Article Link)

Mao, L., Yang, J., Deng, GR. (2018). Mapping rural–urban disparities in late-stage cancer with space-time rurality index and GWR. Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology, 26: 15-23 (Article Link)

Wang, L.H., Liu, Y.X., Mao, L., Sun, C. (2018). Evaluating impacts of the proposed China 2030 high-speed rail network on ground transportation accessibility. Sustainability, 10(4): 1270. (Article Link)

Yang, J., Mao, L.* (2018). Understanding temporal changes of spatial accessibility to healthcare: an analytic framework for local factor impacts. Health and Place 51, 118-124 (Article Link)

Rojas, A., Patarroyo, P., Mao, L., and Kowalewski, M. (2017). Global biogeography of Albian ammonoids: A network–based approach. Geology. 45 (7): 659-662. (Article Link)

da Paixão Sevá, A., Mao, L., Galvis-Ovallos, F., Lima, J. M. T., & Valle, D. (2017). Risk analysis and prediction of visceral leishmaniasis dispersion in São Paulo State, Brazil. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(2), e0005353. (Article Link)

Mao, L.*, Yin, L., Song, X.Q., Mei, S.J. (2016). Mapping intra-urban transmission risks of dengue fever with big hourly cellphone tracking data. Acta Tropica 162: 188-915 (Article Link)

Schiaffino K. M., Nara A., Mao, L. (2016) Language services in hospitals vary by ownership and location. Health Affairs 35(8): 1399-1403.(Article Link)

Ha S., Hu, H., Mao, L., Roussors-Ross, D., Roth, J., Xu, X.H. (2016) Potential Selection Bias of Using Geocoded Birth Records for Epidemiological Research. Annals of Epidemiology 26(3): 204-211 (Article Link)


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