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Christopher Williams

Degree Program: PhD

Entered Program: Fall 2019

Expected Graduation: Spring 2026

Dissertation Topic: Natural Hazards and Human Geography

Adviser: Dr. Kevin Ash

Research Statement: I am broadly interested in atmospheric science, disaster risk reduction, risk communication, and emergency management. My graduate research is focused on concurrent risks posed by tornadoes and the COVID-19 pandemic and residents’ emergency sheltering perceptions and behavior likelihood. I conduct statistical and spatial analyses on recently collected multi-state survey data to advance knowledge of this rapidly developing risk intersection associated with potentially conflicting responses.

Educational Background

  • M.S. in Geography, University of Florida, 2021
  • B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008


Saba, J. A., Williams, C. L., Egnoto, M. J., Strader, S. M., Klockow-McClain, K. E., & Ash, K. D. (2024). Factors that influenced preferences regarding use of public and private tornado shelters during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction109, 104580.
