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Md. Shaharier Alam



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Focus Area:
Geospatial Analysis & Techniques
Places, Networks, and Flows

Country of Origin: Bangladesh

Degree Program: PhD

Entered Program: Fall 2023

Expected Graduation: Spring 2027

Dissertation Topic: TBD

Research Statement: I am currently focusing on leveraging geospatial analysis techniques to investigate the implications of natural hazards on factors such as transportation, mobility, and accessibility. Specifically, my research delves into the impact of hurricanes on accessibility and mobility patterns. My primary methodological approach involves the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), satellite image analysis, network analysis, as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Through these methodologies, I aim to uncover the spatial and temporal patterns of vulnerability to natural hazards, examine individual and group mobility patterns, analyze evacuation behaviors, and assess disruptions to accessibility for critical facilities.

Adviser: Dr. Yujie Hu

Educational Background

  • MS in Geography, Florida State University, 2023
  • BS in Urban and Rural Planning, Khulna University, 2018
