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Dr. Nigel Smith – Emeritus


Dr. Nigel J. H. Smith

Emeritus Professor

Phone: (352) 294-7511

Areas of Specialization

  • Survey of under-valued plants of the Amazon floodplain with market potential
  • Policy issues surrounding the linkages between biodiversity and agriculture
  • Management of plant resources by small-scale farmers in the humid tropics

Educational Background

Recent Courses

  • GEO 3315 Geography of Crop Plants GEO 3427 Plants, Health, & Spirituality (honors seminar) GEA 4465 Amazonia    GEA 6466 Seminar on Amazonia

Career Awards and Research Grants

  • Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation and the Linnean Society of London. P.I. or P.I. on grants from the Moore Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the National Geographic Society.

Recent Publications

  •  SOUTHWORTH, SMITH, SAFAEI, RAHAMAN, ALRUZUQ, TEFERA – Machine Learning versus Deep Learning in Land System Science: A Decision-Making Framework for Effective Land Classification Jane Southworth, Audrey C. Smith, Mohammad Safaei, Mashoukur Rahaman, Ali Alruzuq, Bewuket B. Tefera, Carly S. Muir, Hannah V. Herrero Article first published online: 8 APRIL 2024 DOI: ABSTRACT: This review explores the comparative utility ...
  •  SMITH, MERZ, KSHIRSAGAR – Assessing the effect of article processing charges on the geographic diversity of authors using Elsevier’s “Mirror Journal” system Audrey C. Smith, Leandra Merz, Jesse B. Borden, Chris K. Gulick, Akhil R. Kshirsagar, Emilio M. Bruna Article first published online: 4 Feb 2022 in Quantitative Science Studies DOI: ABSTRACT: Journals publishing open access (OA) articles ...
  • BUNTING, SMITH – Interpersonal Conflict over Water Is Associated with Household Demographics, Domains of Water Insecurity, and Regional Conflict: Evidence from Nine Sites across Eight Sub-Saharan African Countries Amber L. Pearson, Elizabeth A. Mack, Amanda Ross, Richard Marcantonio, Andrew Zimmer, Erin L. Bunting, Audrey C. Smith, Joshua D. Miller, Tom Evans, andThe HWISE Research Coordination Network Article ...
  • 2002. Amazon Sweet Sea: Land, Life, and Water at the River’s Mouth. University of Texas Press, Austin, 281 pp.
  • 2006. Hijos de la Lluvia/Children of the Rain. Maderera Bozovich/Wust Ediciones, Lima, 163 pp., (W. Wust and N. Smith).
  • 2007. Amazon River Fruits: Flavors for Conservation. Amazon Conservation Association (ACA)/Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Lima, 272 pp. (N. Smith, R. Vásquez, and W. Wust; also published in Spanish).
  • 2007. Palms: Sentinels for Amazon Conservation. Amazon Conservation Association (ACA)/Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Lima, 356 pp. (M. Goulding and N. Smith; also published in Spanish and Portuguese).
  • Completed publication list with PDF download (no longer available)

Graduate Students Currently Supervised

  • Mario Mighty Ph.D. (Fall 2010)
  • Tyler Rundel Ph.D. (Fall 2011)