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Dr. Abraham Goldman


Associate Professor Emeritus

Focus Area

Areas of Specialization

  • Tropical agriculture and agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa
  • African geography and development
  • Environment and development
  • Cultural and political ecology
  • Ethnic conflicts, resources, and development

Educational Background

  • PhD in Geography, Clark University, 1986
  • M.A. in Geography, Clark University, 1984
  • B.A. in Economics, Harvard University, 1969

Recent Publications

Salerno, J., Chapman, C. A., Diem, J. E., Dowhaniuk, N., Goldman, A., MacKenzie, C. A., … & Hartter, J. (2018). Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift. Regional Environmental Change18, 913-928.

Hartter, J., Ryan, S. J., MacKenzie, C. A., Goldman, A., Dowhaniuk, N., Palace, M., … & Chapman, C. A. (2015). Now there is no land: a story of ethnic migration in a protected area landscape in western Uganda. Population and Environment36(4), 452-479.