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Why Have We Seen A ‘Blob’ East Of Hurricane Matthew’s Eye And Why It Should Concern Us

In a recent Forbe’s article, recent Geography alum (and Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech) Dr. Stephanie Zick helped explain ‘Why have we seen a ‘blob’ east of Hurricane Matthew’s eye and why it should concern us‘. In the article, she was quoted as saying: “I think there are multiple factors: 1) the stationary band complex, so there would be […]

CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE MATTHEW Geography Colloquium: Representing the “Real” Behaviour of Biocomplex Systems and the Unintended Effects of Humans – Opportunities, Tools, and Challenges

Representing the “Real” Behaviour of Biocomplex Systems and the Unintended Effects of Humans – Opportunities, Tools, and Challenges THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE MATTHEW. The geography department hopes that we will be able to reschedule Dr. Muñoz-Carpena’s talk for later in the semester. Speaker: Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena Professor, Department of Hydrology & Water Quality, […]

Visiting Lectures: Remote Sensing

Visiting Lectures Differentiating California Plant Species Across Seasons Using Airborne VSWIR and TIR Imagery Speaker: Ms. Susan Meerdink PhD Candidate, Visualization & Image Processing for Environmental Research Lab, Deptartment of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara Quantifying Sub-Pixel Urban Composition at Multiple Scales Using Airborne Spectroscopic Imaging Speaker: Ms. Erin Wetherley PhD Candidate, Visualization & Image […]

Geography Colloquium: Coffee, Climate Change and Certification in Central America

Coffee, climate change and certification in Central America Speaker: Dr. Catherine Tucker Associate Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, University of Florida Thursday, September 15, 2016 3:00-3:50 PM (Period 8) Turlington Hall Room 3006 University of Florida All are welcome to attend.

Farewell to summer MedGeo researcher

This summer, Geography’s Ryan Lab and the Emerging Pathogens Institute were proud to host Lauren Fregosi as a summer research intern working on Dr. Sadie Ryan‘s National Science Foundation’s Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (NSF EEID) grant. The internship, which was offered through the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, was focused on modelling approaches […]

A Letter From the Chair

Welcome to the Geography Department Fall 2016 Semester. As I look forward to the coming semester, chaos will reign, as many exciting changes will envelop the Geography Department! As of August 16th, I am now the new Department Chair, and I am looking forward to my coming term with much excitement. I have been a […]

Dr. Jane Southworth becomes the new Geography Department Chair

As of today Dr. Jane Southworth will serve as the Chair of the Geography Department, as Dr. Michael Binford steps down. Dr. Southworth has previously served as Graduate Coordinator and Associate Chair and has strong connections across campus, as a member of the Land Use and Environmental Change Institute (LUECI), the Florida Climate Institute, the […]