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GEA4465 GEA6466: Seminar on Amazonia

Dr. Robert Walker – What is Bolsonaro up to? How is climate change impacting the Amazon? Is the region on the verge of a Tipping Point catastrophe? Will the fires continue to intensify? Can indigenous resistance save the forest? How do we find a pathway to sustainable development? For the past several decades, world […]

Meet the Geographer: Cat Lippi

Cat Lippi Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases Graduate Representative 2019/2020 University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: I am broadly interested in vector-borne diseases, public health vector control, and investigating the […]

Meet the Geographer: Stephanie Mundis

  Stephanie Mundis Pronouns: she/her Quantitative Disease Ecology & Conservation Lab Emerging Pathogens Institute CDC Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases Graduate Representative 2019/2020 University of Florida Adviser: Dr. Sadie Ryan Focus Area: Medical Geography in Global Health (MGGH) Research Statement: My research interests are in the application of GIS to understand vector-borne […]

GEO4285 GEO6938: Models in Geographic Hydrology (Water, Risk, and Extreme Events)

Investigate techniques for evaluating the risks of extreme events related to water in our environment. Students will learn about data and methodologies for estimating the rarity of phenomena including excessive rainfall totals, high and low river levels, coastal storm surge and waves, and drought. Example Topics: Probability and Random Processes Recurrence Intervals Extreme Value Analysis […]

GEO3430 Population Geography

This course provides a comprehensive geographical survey of populations & population analysis, including population description, distribution, change & characteristics; demographic processes including migration, refugees & urbanization; and the consequences of development, conflict & population control diseases topics and many others. Course Objectives: Gain familiarity with global population dynamics, differences, and trends Critically evaluate outcomes of […]

GIS4113 GIS6104 Spatial Networks

Course description It is often the case that real-world systems can be represented as networks of many interacting components. This course teaches the fundamental concepts, models, and techniques for describing, visualizing, measuring, and analyzing networks. It also introduces their applications in geography, transportation, social science, etc. A series of labs using the popular network analysis […]

GIS4324 GIS6325 GIS Analysis of Hazard Vulnerability

No place on earth is completely safe from meteorological, climatological, hydrological, and geophysical hazard phenomena. Yet, we can anticipate disasters by mapping the potential intersection of hazard phenomena with human settlements. This knowledge can be used to reduce or avoid hazard impacts in our communities. This course provides students with knowledge & skills to model […]

GEO2006 Natural Hazards Geography

**NEW GEN ED COURSE, SOCIAL SCIENCE (S) & INTERNATIONAL (N)** We will use the geographic lens of human-environment interactions to understand how disasters emerge from a complex web of social, cultural, psychological, political, and economic forces in tandem with extreme weather, climate, and geophysical hazard events. The course discusses international historical, recent, and ongoing hazard […]

MET4750 MET6752 Spatial Analysis Atmospheric Data GIS

  No textbook No exams Fall 2020 100% online, asynchronous Course Organization Lab exercises Skills quizzes Presentations Final project *Counts for Certificates in Applied Atmospheric Science and Meteorology and Climatology* Instructor: Dr. Corene Matyas Emphasis on using GIS for spatial data analysis Basic terminology for atmospheric science Global and regional reanalysis datasets Doppler radar […]

GEO3452-GEO6421 Introduction to Medical Geography

Course description: Medical geography deals with human-environment interactions and the influence of these interactions on public health. This course provides a broad-based, comprehensive survey of geographic topics and approaches in medical sciences. Hands-on experiences will be emphasized through GIS labs. Successful students will be able to: Apply geographic concepts and principles widely used in medical […]