Geog3454 Peoples and Plagues Fall 2019
During this course, the world’s population will reach 7.7 billion.
One third will be TB positive; 300-500 million will have malaria; more than 35 million will live with HIV/AIDS.
Multi-drug resistance in urban settings, climate change, and disease-related mortality
are going to impact your near future.
What makes a disease emerge? What makes diseases re-emerge? How has this affected world history through the ages? Can we learn from past scourge and pestilence?
This course is an introduction to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in the context of historic disease outbreaks, focusing on zoonotic origin and management. We will explore the social and physical context of several major historic disease events, illustrating themes of control and response still relevant today. We will explore basic infectious disease processes, transmission cycles and life-histories of host-vector systems, and the ecological and landscape conditions that favor emergence.
Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. T: 5-6, R: 6