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Dr. David Keellings

Assistant Professor


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Curriculum Vita

Focus Areas

Areas of Specialization

  • Climatology
  • Extremes
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Educational Background

  • Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Geography & Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, 2016
  • PhD in Geography, University of Florida, 2015
  • M.S. in Geography, University of Florida, 2010
  • B.S. in Environmental Studies, University of Central Florida, 2007

Research Statement

Improving our understanding of climate extremes is a critical challenge. Extremes such as heat waves, hurricanes, floods, and droughts are rare, but have disproportionately large impacts on the health of society and the environment. Through my research I explore climate extremes with an emphasis on linkages between extremes and driving physical mechanisms and on quantifying the contribution of climate change versus modes of natural variability. I enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams and my own strengths lie in utilizing innovative methods including Machine Learning and Extreme Value Theory to improve our understanding of climate extremes and better prepare society for their impacts.

Recent Funded Projects

A Spatiotemporal Investigation of Heat Wave Dynamics. National Science Foundation Award #1853775 2019-2023, $340,528.00. PI: Keellings, Co-PI: Bunting

Extreme rainfall associated with the passage of Hurricane Maria over Puerto Rico. Sonoma State University Scholarship and Creative Activity Mini-Grant 2018, $6,942.00. PI: Hernández Ayala, Co-PI: Keellings

Recent Publications

Lubinda, J., Moore, A.J., Bi, Y., Haque, U., Keellings, D., Shad, M.Y., Hamaiza, B., (2021) Climate change and the dynamics of age-related malaria incidence in Southern Africa: A focus on Zambia. Environmental Research, 111017. Doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111017

Deb, P., Moradkhani, H., Abbaszadeh, P., Kiem, A.S., Engström, J., Keellings, D. and Sharma, A. (2020) Causes of the widespread 2019–2020 Australian bushfire season. Earth’s Future, 8, e2020EF001671. Doi: 10.1029/2020EF001671

Logan A., Goode J., Keellings D., Hart J. (2020). Microsite Influence on Woody Plant Regeneration in a Pinus palustris Woodland Following Catastrophic Disturbance. Forests. 11, 588. doi: 10.3390/f11050588

Keellings D., Moradkhani H. (2020). Spatiotemporal Evolution of Heat Wave Severity and Coverage Across the United States. Geophysical Research Letters. 47, e2020GL087097. Doi: 10.1029/2020GL087097

Skeeter, W.J., Reed, J.R., Cissell, J., Islam, R., Keellings, D. (2019). ‘What can we do?’: Exploratory study on undergraduate student climate change perceptions. Geographical Bulletin. 60(2), 149-161.

Haque, U.; da Silva, PF.; Devoli, G.; Pilz, J.; Zhao, B.; Khaloua, A.; Wilopo, W.; Andersen, P.; Ping, L.; Lee, J.; Yamamoto, T.; Keellings, D.; Wu, J.; Glass, GE. (2019). The human cost of global warming: Deadly landslides and their triggers (1995-2014). Science of the Total Environment. 682, 673-684. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.415

Keellings D., Hernández Ayala J. (2019). Extreme rainfall associated with Hurricane Maria over Puerto Rico and its connections to climate variability and change. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(5), 2964-2973. doi: 10.1029/2019GL082077

Keellings, D, Engström, J. (2019). The Future of Drought in the Southeastern U.S.: Projections from Downscaled CMIP5 Models. Water. 11(2), 259. doi: 10.3390/w11020259

Skeeter, W.J., Senkbeil, J.C., Keellings, D. (2019). Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Frequency and Magnitude of Intense Precipitation Events in the Southeastern United States. International Journal of Climatology. 39: 768-782. doi: 10.1002/joc.5841

Current Graduate Students


Holli Capps


Angela O’Flanagan

Currently accepting applications for graduate students
