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Dr. Nigel Smith

Professor Emeritus

Areas of Specialization

  • Survey of under-valued plants of the Amazon floodplain with market potential
  • Policy issues surrounding the linkages between biodiversity and agriculture
  • Management of plant resources by small-scale farmers in the humid tropics

Educational Background

  • PhD — University of California at Berkeley, 1976
  • MA — University of California at Berkeley, 1973
  • BA — University of California at Berkeley, 1971

Career Awards and Research Grants

  • Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation and the Linnean Society of London.
  • P.I. on grants from the Moore Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the National Geographic Society.


  • Smith, N. J. (2002). Amazon sweet sea: land, life, and water at the river’s mouth. University of Texas Press.
  • Goulding, M., & Smith, N. (2007). Palms: sentinels for Amazon conservation.