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Wei Liu

Curriculum Vitae

Focus Areas:

Geospatial Analysis and Techniques
Sustainability and Global Environmental Change

Country of Origin: China

Degree Program: M.S.

Entered Program: Spring 2024

Expected Graduation: Spring 2025

Dissertation Topic: Historical Footprints in Modern Landscapes: Assessing Land Use Legacy Effects on Ecosystem Productivity Using CORONA Imagery

Research Statement: My research focuses on developing innovative methods to understand the legacy effects of historical land use on contemporary ecosystems. Through integrating deep learning algorithms with geospatial analysis, I have developed a novel framework for automated analysis of declassified CORONA satellite imagery from the 1960s, achieving significant improvements in historical land use classification accuracy. My work also explores how these past land use decisions continue to influence current ecosystem productivity through spatially heterogeneous legacy effects. Using geographically weighted regression models, I examine the complex mechanisms through which historical land use patterns shape modern ecosystem functions. This research provides both methodological advances in processing historical remote sensing data and theoretical insights into long-term human-environment interactions, contributing to our understanding of sustainable landscape management

Adviser: Dr. Di Yang

Educational Background

  • B.S. in Geographic Information Science, Beijing Forestry University, 2022
