Dr. Olivier Walther and collaborators Dr. Greg Kiker (UF ABE) and Dr. Erica Odera (UF ABE) have received a new grant from the National Science Foundation to study the impact of Covid on international research networks. Using multi-criteria decision analysis and social network analysis, we hypothesize that international research teams can be designed to be resilient and that inclusiveness and diversity are key considerations in building resilient teams.
Proposal Number: 2114474
The National Science Foundation hereby awards a Standard Grant for support of the project described in the proposal referenced above .
Award Number (FAIN): 2114474
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Award Date: 01/25/2021
Award Period of Performance: Start Date: 02/01/2021 End Date: 01/31/2023
Project Title: EAGER International Type II: Inclusiveness and Diversity as Building Blocks of Resilient International Research Teams in the Age of COVID-19
Principal Investigator: Gregory A Kiker Email: gkiker@ufl.edu
Institution: University of Florida
Co-Principal Investigator: Olivier J Walther Email: owalther@ufl.edu
Institution: University of Florida
Co-Principal Investigator: Erica Odera Email: ericalin@ufl.edu
Institution: University of Florida