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Alumni Adventures: Andrew Garick

Andrew Garick, Video Editor, ABC News

Who Are you?
Mr. Andrew Garick. I’m a video editor for World News Tonight with David Muir and ABC News in New York City.

When did you attend UF? What degrees/certificates did you earn at the Department of Geography?
I attended the University of Florida from 1985 through 1990. I received a Minor in Geography and my Bachelors degree in Journalism.

What is your greatest memory from your time as a GeoGator?
I would say my fondest memory was my Historical Geography class. I did a report on the geographical evolution of Saint Augustine. It was my first field work during my time at UF.

How do you use what you learned in the Geography Department in your life?
At ABC, I apply the skills I learned at the UF Geography Department is mostly fact checking geographical issues in current news stories we cover. Making sure the material that I put on the air is editorially and geographically correct for the stories that we cover. Since ABC is based in New York City, the other skill I bring is how to correctly pronounce places in Florida. Most of my colleagues are not from Florida and they can get really tripped on how to correctly pronounce some of these locations.

Outside from work, studying geography has really enhanced my love for travel. I have been to 86 countries and territories and 43 of the 50 states….and counting.

Do you have a message to share with current/prospective students?
UF is one of the best universities in the country. So, you already have an advantage over most of the other students attending other universities. So, take advantage of this opportunity. Also, Geography’s social media is very proactive when it comes to their students and faculty, they really like to follow the accomplishments of the students and faculty. Not a lot of other colleges seem to do this.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
Go (Geo) Gators!!

If you would like to tell the world about your GeoGator Alumni Adventure, please send an email to Mike Ryan Simonovich.