Our Senior Profile for UF Geography today features GeoGator Sara Shir
Future Plans:
In the next year I am looking to find a GIS job before attending medical school. I plan to start medical school in Fall 2021.
What is your favorite thing from your time at UF?
Getting Krishna lunch with friends in the Plaza of the Americas
What was your favorite Geography class?
GIS Disease Ecology
What is your favorite Geography memory?
Going to Belize with a doctoral candidate and a few other students to help with his project.
In what ways has Geography prepared you for your next steps?
It has to think outside the box and to explore viewpoints outside my own when trying to understand global issues and trying to find a solution to a problem.
What would your ideal job be?
My goal is to be an Infectious Disease doctor. It was something I already had in mind but the pandemic definitely highlighted the value of the field.
What will you miss most about Gainesville/UF?
Gator Salsa (club that teaches latin dancing)
What will you miss least about Gainesville/UF?
The weather!
What well wishes or words of wisdom would you like to share with your classmates and fellow students?
I wish you all the best in everything you do!
UF Geography wishes Sara and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators, #UFGEOG, #CLASGrads2020