Graduate Student Contributions
UF Geography graduate students made impactful contributions to the conference, presenting on a wide range of topics:
- Chloe Seifert*, Ryan Z. Good, Katherine A. Serafin, Gabriela Hamerlinck: Explored interdisciplinary approaches in Student Perspectives on Wicked Problems in Interdisciplinary STEM Education.
*Chloe is an undergraduate student
- Yue Jing: Presented research on Analyzing Neighborhood Disparities in Commuting Efficiency: A Network-Based Approach.
- Joel Wixson: Investigated the Spatial and Temporal Persistence of Sandbars in the Mississippi River.
- Briar Pierce: Discussed Best Practices for Detecting Human and Environmental Changes in the Landscape Using Historical Maps and LiDAR Datasets.
- Jawata Afnan Saba: Conducted an Uncertainty Analysis of a Social Vulnerability Index.
- Jessica Striley: Examined Land Cover Change by Conservation and Community Use in Niassa Special Reserve, Mozambique.
- Audrey Culver Smith: Analyzed the Rapid Urban Expansion of Addis Ababa using Remote Sensing and Landscape Metrics.
- Kevin Ash and Jawata Saba: Collaborated on the development of the Composite Red Tide Vulnerability Index (CRTVI), assessing socio-economic vulnerability of Florida’s coastal communities.
These presentations demonstrated UF’s commitment to addressing critical geographic and environmental challenges through innovative research and collaboration.
Dr. Joann Mossa Honored for Lifetime Achievements and Best Paper Award
Dr. Joann Mossa, a distinguished professor in the UF Geography Department, received the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her exceptional contributions to the field. Additionally, Dr. Mossa was honored with the Southeastern Geographer Award for Best Paper for her work titled “Recovery and Restoration of Disturbed Sand Bars of the Apalachicola River, Florida.”
This award-winning paper highlights groundbreaking research on the restoration of sandbars in the Apalachicola River and was a collaborative effort with co-authors Yin-Hsuen Chen, Amobi Amanambu, and Ali Alruzuq.
Dr. Mossa’s achievements further exemplify the University of Florida’s commitment to research excellence and its leadership in environmental and geographical studies.