The Florida Society of Geographers recently convened for its 60th Annual Meeting. This year’s event was held on February 16-17 in St Augustine, FL. A group of 12 graduate students from the department attended the meeting.
The best oral and poster presentations are annually recognized at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level. This year, our graduate students won 4 awards!
- 1st place – PhD level oral presentation: Michelle Ruiz
- 1st place – PhD level poster presentation: Gabrielle Quadrado
- 2nd place – PhD level poster presentation: Jawata Saba
- 1st place – Master’s level oral presentation: Erin Mariotti
Congratulations to our award winners and everyone presenting their work!
The Florida Society of Geographers was chartered in 1964 as a non-profit organization for the purpose of furthering professionalism in geography through application of geographic techniques in all areas of education, government, and business. The Society supports these objectives by promoting acquaintance and discussion among its members and with scholars and practitioners in related fields by stimulating research and field investigation, by encouraging publication of scholarly studies, and by performing services to aid the advancement of its members and the field of geography in Florida.