UF Geography is delighted to announce our newest hire in our Tenure Track Remote Sensing position.
Dr. Di Yang, currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming, will be joining our faculty in August 2024. Di is currently an Assistant Professor in the Wyoming Geographic Information Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming. She is a geographer and programmer focusing on the study of human-environment interactions by using remote sensing imageries. She works to be an effective bridge-builder for closing the gap between the operational uses of scientific remote sensing and GIS techniques and land management practices at the regional scale. The general theme of her work is to gain a quantitative understanding of the relationships between humans, landscape patterns, and ecological processes.
Current projects include early NEON science, geospatial modeling, citizen science, and the applications of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) at the macrosystems scale.
We are excited to have Di join the UF Geography faculty this fall! Welcome to the Geogator family!