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Colloquium: Multi-level Partnerships and Collaborations Support Florida Well Owner Network

Poster for the Geography Colloquium with Doctor Yilin Zhuang. All text is repeated on the webpage.Speaker: Dr. Yilin Zhuang
Regional Specialized Agent
Water Resources
University of Florida IFAS Extension

Thursday, April 13, 2023
3:00-3:50 PM (Period 8)

Turlington Hall 3018 and Zoom
University of Florida

Abstract: An estimated 2.5 million Floridians rely on private wells for home consumption. While public water systems are monitored under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, private wells are not regulated. Private well users control the management and protection of their wells. Limited public data exist on how many well users regularly test their water or drink from contaminated wells. It has posed a challenge to water sanitation and public health.

The Florida Well Owner Network (FWON) is a drinking water quality and septic system educational program that was developed for Florida decentralized water users. The goals are to educate residents about well water quality and best management practices to ensure well and groundwater protection, and to facilitate water testing.

Biography: Yilin Zhuang is a regional specialized agent working with water resources for the UF/IFAS Extension Central District. A passionate conservationist, engineer and educator, Zhuang works with clientele across Central Florida to manage and promote water conservation programs as well as find solutions to challenges facing Florida’s water supply. Zhuang, an environmental and civil engineer, is passionate about working with Floridians on solutions to enhance water quality, water quantity and water supply in Central Florida.

All are welcome to attend.

For more information, email Dr. Sadie Ryan at