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Geography Colloquium: Coupled Human and Wildlife Systems in Southern Africa

Speaker: Leandra Merz

PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of Florida

Thursday, April 15, 2021

2:50-3:50 PM (Period 8)

Turlington Hall 3018 and Zoom, livestreamed on YouTube

University of Florida

All are welcome to attend.

Leandra Merz is a PhD candidate in the Geography department of University of Florida.  She has a MDP in sustainable development and a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.  Her research centers on the study of human-environment interactions in Africa through a coupled human and wildlife systems approach.   Specific areas of interest include community based natural resource management, people and parks, human dimensions of wildlife conservation, human-wildlife conflict, and wildlife trafficking.  Her research is interdisciplinary and aimed at improving wildlife conservation and human livelihoods throughout Africa.

For more information, email Dr. Tim Fik at